I amgoing to be at disnneeeeeyyy laaaaannndd for 2 days. oh yeah!.. last time i was like 14 when i went and pirates was shut down.. it better be open this time or they shall all feel my wrath.. toon town will burn!!
i have a book of free drink coupons to use on the plane.. so i won't stress out about pulling a la...
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music music and more music... blah blah blah.. first press.. european presses.. color vinyl.. blah blah.. beer.. blah blah.. oh that dude used to be in that band .. blah blah.. oh that was the third album.. what were they thinking.. oh yeah.. that record sucks but it sells for alot on ebay-typical "punk show" conversation... repitition .. i love it.

essential albums of the...
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4th of july ruined by a girl.. 4th year in a row. next year i am going to have a hot date with some illegal fireworks.. and a bottle of vodka.. bought a bunch of bottle rockets and they ended up being those lame parachute ones.. i wanted some explosions damnit! skull skull skull skull skull skull
someone better bare testament to my supreme coolness... you can all stop praying now.
it is so hot here in the lovely state of aura-gone. Lots of good shows coming up. CRUCIAL fucking UNIT at murray's pizza.. time for some 50 cent pabst and some hardcore thrash... be there..that is a command!!!

i am going to start a roller posse... anyone down.
roller skates only.. no weak ass skateboards or blades.. wait.. i guess those old style scooters can...
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hot? oregon?
are you mad?
you should be here, then you will truly know the meaning of "hot".
night train on fucking tap. ooh baby the montage is heaven on earth.. sung in the tune of that belinda carslile song,

Birthday list this year.

16 b-day drinks.
europe-final countdown single lp
2 porceline unicorns/ a unicorn dining set.
100 bucks
a unicorn felt color yourself poster.
the dwarves "how to influence people" pic disk. (it is like a re-recorded greatest hits so i...
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aw how cute was that
seatte was fun. we played at a rad pizza place.. later at some party we made a punk pyrimid.. it was lot of fun besides the muddy knees and back injurys.. seattle is on my top 10 list... 2av pizza... number 1 on my pizza place list. punk owned and pabst.. who could complain???

dum dum duuuuhh! skull skull skull skull
in the words of D.S.B. (jap) NO FIGHT NO GET!
hey a word square thingy!
doesn't exactly translate the best in type though. heh.
rockin glasses, bro.
p.s. anyone who can tell me what record that word square is on the back of.. i will provide the blow job.