ok ok...update...
talked to my mom, (yes i eventually called her), she talked to me on the phone like nothing had changed. She tried to tell me that the reason she had passed out and had to be taken to the hospital was because now she's having seizures and might be diabetic.
I have a hard time believing anything that woman says anymore. i dont undertand then why when the police were trying to help her she was fighing them and telling them, "No! you cant take my drugs!" I mean that was straight from my dad's mouth. unless my dad was lying. i dont know anymore. point being, seizures or no seizures, diabetic or not, she is still trying to skate over the last argument we had. these arguments keep blowing up because she doesnt want to face any of the problems involved and...
i'm not even going into it. i've decided that until she can face it, can face me, and work everything out, i have no business even being involved with her, or my dad for that matter. all my life, i'm lied too, shit on, and made to watch as they ruin their lives, and ours for that matter, with drug abuse, alcohol abuse, and domestic disputes over all of it. i cant be a part of it anymore. i have quit smoking, everything now, am not interested in drinking anymore, and i just cant be around it. any of that chaos. and if justin doesnt see it, understand it, and grow up and do the same, i dont think i can continue to be a part of this relationship either.
my day is now officially sucky...
talked to my mom, (yes i eventually called her), she talked to me on the phone like nothing had changed. She tried to tell me that the reason she had passed out and had to be taken to the hospital was because now she's having seizures and might be diabetic.

i'm not even going into it. i've decided that until she can face it, can face me, and work everything out, i have no business even being involved with her, or my dad for that matter. all my life, i'm lied too, shit on, and made to watch as they ruin their lives, and ours for that matter, with drug abuse, alcohol abuse, and domestic disputes over all of it. i cant be a part of it anymore. i have quit smoking, everything now, am not interested in drinking anymore, and i just cant be around it. any of that chaos. and if justin doesnt see it, understand it, and grow up and do the same, i dont think i can continue to be a part of this relationship either.
my day is now officially sucky...
Sorry about that stuff with your mom... family can be a real hard deal...
So... still have the 27th off?
Want to bring Lyric and yourself to the tapings... I can bring you guys back stage if you give me some notice... it's all pretty cool stuff even if it is kind of a goofy show...
So what's the deal with the above photo?
Is that Christina Ricci?