I'm at work right now...and it S U C K S...I wish i were ome like just about everyone else i know!! Justin's at home right now...not working...I am here dammit! Not working as well...

Thanksgiving was interesting. We went to his Mom's house and had dinner with his mom, sister, boyfriend, boyfriend's parents, and Little Lyric. It was cozy and I got myself a little buzz off of some wine his mother offered me. I had about 4 glasses. Twas nice...I love the fact that at Thanksgiving its totally acceptable to be trashed by dinner time!
His sister and I are now getting along, which is no small feet, trust me. She hated me whenever we first met, and the feeling was definitely reciprocated. She was so rude and bossy when i first met her. Then second time i met her, it was worse...she ignored anything i said and felt the need to monopolize the conversation. The third time I was around her...I tried, I really really tried. And anyone who knows me will tell you, if you rub me the wrong way once, I hold a grudge. But, for Justin, I swallowed my pride, and DID NOT knock her head off when she rolled her eyes at me. I just said something smartass and left it alone. And justin saw it...he saw that i really tried to be cordial and friendly. He saw how his sister was acting and he stopped talking to her. His mom called him after about a month of this and asked him why he hadnt spoken to his sister. He told his mother about her behaviour towards me and explained that he would not be around much or talk to her if she doesnt learn how to be more respectful towards me. And that was that. She came over once to use the restroom whie out with friends and I "politely" got on the cell and ignored the both of them until she left. Justin said it hurt her a little, to which i replied, "Good. Hope she cries." This caused fights between J and I because i wouldnt go to family things if his sister was there. I just didnt feel like dealing with it. I told him if I go and she says something stupid or acts like a cunt towards me, I cant responsible for my actions. I think i got my point across to the both of them. We had gone over to his mom's hose to have dinner for his birthday and she was actually sociable towards me and just adored Lyric. For Thanksgivng, dote dote doted on Lyricand hugged and kissed us both before leaving. Felt good. No turmoil. I loved it. I didnt tell justin what to do all day. He was completely in charge. I didnt make the decision on when we left home to go to his mom's house. He's the one that said when it was time to leave his mom's and go to mine. The only thing i did all day was drive.

In other news...
I hate money...there's never enough. I'm having to be real creative with my bill paying right now and its really getting on my nerves. I'm just dying for income tax to come around. I can do so much with that money that will have me so settled. I was used to paying a bill as soon as it came in...now i'm waiting and asking for extensions. I have to pay portions and rush to meet due dates, only to have another bill pop up right behind it...

grrrr...I'll kick your ass!!!!
How much for an ass kicking????
My grandmother offered me eggnog on Thanksgiving, and I got a nice surprise when each glass was spiked with a couple shots of whiskey. Woohoo!