I started to go over this in someone else's journal but i figured it to be a better entry.
This guy just moved in above me about 2 weeks ago. I leased him the apartment, got him an extra ceiling fan, frosted glass for his skylights, spent hours trying to lease the apartment to him and held the apartment with his deposit for over 3 weeks ,when we're only supposed to hold them for 2 weeks. This twirpy little ass-muncher, wakes me and my daughter up, about a week ago, with the nauseating noise of him fucking some reject from Kenny's Key West. (For those of you not familiar with the place, let me just say: Cheesy-fucking, ghetto-prep, young stupid-pecker, bad-music-lovin, ass-chasin, hoe-hanging-in-crap-hole of a bar.)
Now, I'm not one to begrudge anyone a good fucking lay but, JESUS! Fucking 1:30 am on a Wednesday! Then he's in the bedroom right over my daughter's bed! She wakes up and is like "Whats that?!" WAAAH!!!
I was furious!! I marched upstairs and banged on his door like i was the police and this was a meth lab, drug bust.
Swift and angry! he doesnt answer. I do it again.
No answer. Fuck face. I was so angry, i was shaking! I went to work the next day and sent him a warning notice. (Did i mention I'm the assistant manager to the property?) Now, I wasnt just trying use my authority, I was just angry because i make sure that myself, my daughter, my company, Orman...everyone stays quiet. And the first week this guy moves in, this is what happens? The notice read, "Be considerate of you neighbors!" With the violation "Noise Disturbance" checked off. I really wanted to put, "Please refrain from fucking your cheap ass fucking whore, who is obviously faking it, at 1:30am, over my 2 year olds bedroom, you fucking pervert"
Signed, "I will kill you dead."
Ahhh...had to get that out. Now Look at my profile pick. Makes ya fuzzy inside eh?
This guy just moved in above me about 2 weeks ago. I leased him the apartment, got him an extra ceiling fan, frosted glass for his skylights, spent hours trying to lease the apartment to him and held the apartment with his deposit for over 3 weeks ,when we're only supposed to hold them for 2 weeks. This twirpy little ass-muncher, wakes me and my daughter up, about a week ago, with the nauseating noise of him fucking some reject from Kenny's Key West. (For those of you not familiar with the place, let me just say: Cheesy-fucking, ghetto-prep, young stupid-pecker, bad-music-lovin, ass-chasin, hoe-hanging-in-crap-hole of a bar.)
Now, I'm not one to begrudge anyone a good fucking lay but, JESUS! Fucking 1:30 am on a Wednesday! Then he's in the bedroom right over my daughter's bed! She wakes up and is like "Whats that?!" WAAAH!!!

I was furious!! I marched upstairs and banged on his door like i was the police and this was a meth lab, drug bust.
Swift and angry! he doesnt answer. I do it again.
No answer. Fuck face. I was so angry, i was shaking! I went to work the next day and sent him a warning notice. (Did i mention I'm the assistant manager to the property?) Now, I wasnt just trying use my authority, I was just angry because i make sure that myself, my daughter, my company, Orman...everyone stays quiet. And the first week this guy moves in, this is what happens? The notice read, "Be considerate of you neighbors!" With the violation "Noise Disturbance" checked off. I really wanted to put, "Please refrain from fucking your cheap ass fucking whore, who is obviously faking it, at 1:30am, over my 2 year olds bedroom, you fucking pervert"
Signed, "I will kill you dead."
Ahhh...had to get that out. Now Look at my profile pick. Makes ya fuzzy inside eh?
congratulations she is gorgeous, just as her mom.
have a nice day