Had the weirdest dream just now. I dreamt that i was in the same situation I am in now, living in this apartment community where i also assistant manage. I dreamt that i moved this girl in that was working on my child support case. I am currently raising my daughter with no help from her father. I know, i know, its not exactly an uncommon occurence. But it should be...
Anyway, I dream that i move in this lady that is like a child support officer. Then i dream i move in this old couple, this slut chic witha fine black car, this young black couple who's just been married, and William David Tanner, my daughter's father.
In the beginning I'm trying to get this woman that works for support enforcement to, ya know, get him. He can no longer evade the law because the law knows where he lives now! (well in my dream anyway). Then i notice that everyone in my apartment community (i live in a really small "complex", its only 12 apartments!) is like getting along! It's fall and everyone's front doors are open, people hanging out with each other, and my frustration turns into happiness because i stop trying to get Will and just let it go. Last thing i see in my dream is everyone in the apartment community hanging out on the roof! I think, "Man, what a great photo opp!" But i never get my camera...
It was very,"We are the world!"
Ugh...stupid dreams....
And what is it with everyone trying to push there interests on me? Why do people try to jump all over me when i tell them that i am not voting and not interested in anyway in the election? I dont want a comment on this part of my journal. i dont want to hear the whole, "Oh you can make a difference...you should be interested in it...you cant complain about anything then..." song and dance. 1. I am not voting. 2. I dont care to vote. 3. I am not interested in politics in any way. 4. ELECTORAL COLLEGE!!! You are not really voting!!!! 5. Hmmm...Bush or Kerry, Bush or Kerry, Bush or Kerry....
Just forget it. I just woke up froma nap and I am bitchy!
Anyway, I dream that i move in this lady that is like a child support officer. Then i dream i move in this old couple, this slut chic witha fine black car, this young black couple who's just been married, and William David Tanner, my daughter's father.

In the beginning I'm trying to get this woman that works for support enforcement to, ya know, get him. He can no longer evade the law because the law knows where he lives now! (well in my dream anyway). Then i notice that everyone in my apartment community (i live in a really small "complex", its only 12 apartments!) is like getting along! It's fall and everyone's front doors are open, people hanging out with each other, and my frustration turns into happiness because i stop trying to get Will and just let it go. Last thing i see in my dream is everyone in the apartment community hanging out on the roof! I think, "Man, what a great photo opp!" But i never get my camera...
It was very,"We are the world!"
Ugh...stupid dreams....
And what is it with everyone trying to push there interests on me? Why do people try to jump all over me when i tell them that i am not voting and not interested in anyway in the election? I dont want a comment on this part of my journal. i dont want to hear the whole, "Oh you can make a difference...you should be interested in it...you cant complain about anything then..." song and dance. 1. I am not voting. 2. I dont care to vote. 3. I am not interested in politics in any way. 4. ELECTORAL COLLEGE!!! You are not really voting!!!! 5. Hmmm...Bush or Kerry, Bush or Kerry, Bush or Kerry....

Just forget it. I just woke up froma nap and I am bitchy!
you can flirt with me anytime !!!

how cute.