i barely have the energy, or mental capacity to get into all of the details but,
The apartments i work at caught on fire yesterday...no one was hurt except for a pug trapped in the main burning apartment...
i'm exhausted, my muscles are killing me, my butt hurts because i fell on the cement stairs while getting people out of their apartments.
i saved two doggies, though one of them tried to chew my arm off but i kow it was becuase he was scared so i'm not mad at him
my car is broken
i had to get up at like 6 am after not going to bed until about 12am,and bring my daughter to go and get four shots in her ass..
i hate yesterday for happening
i hate today because all i can do is think about yesterday
i need a vacation...
The apartments i work at caught on fire yesterday...no one was hurt except for a pug trapped in the main burning apartment...
i'm exhausted, my muscles are killing me, my butt hurts because i fell on the cement stairs while getting people out of their apartments.

i saved two doggies, though one of them tried to chew my arm off but i kow it was becuase he was scared so i'm not mad at him
my car is broken
i had to get up at like 6 am after not going to bed until about 12am,and bring my daughter to go and get four shots in her ass..

i hate yesterday for happening
i hate today because all i can do is think about yesterday
i need a vacation...
What happened at work today? Anything good?
Just wanted to write to say that I think you're lovely.