Dread Fun!
They've done a lot of growing lately
Yeah, it's 3:30 am and I have nothing better to do.
I look more like a corpse everyday and I love every second of it. Operation become a zombie is beginning.
I've puked about 5 or 6 times in the last 3 days. Gotta keep my wanted figure somehow over the holidays.
For christmas I got a TASCAM US-122L audio/MIDI interface so I can finally use my software synthesizers and do some DI recording on my computer. Next on my list of things to buy at Long and McQuaide: Drum Machine, portable digital studio, some mics, electric piano/midi controller to pair up with my MicroKORG, and maybe some electric drum pads. Oh and a guitar amp would be nice. Since I'm a guitar teacher and all, it makes sense.
I got my paycheck a couple days ago, for 74 bucks. Yeah, but I countered that by making about 300 bucks in the last 3 days. I also got $40 cash to close dish on New Years Eve. My manager sent my help home at 4 and told me it would be a slow night, instead it ended up being the busiest day that our location has ever seen and I ended up working dish alone all night. balls. I dunno if the $40 was worth 11 hours of working in dish on the busiest day. dish in itself is awful and shitty. It was busy New Years Day too, I worked broiler and pre-closed with Rob. It was my first PC shift and Robs second closing shift. So needless to say it was a sketchy close.
I picked up a bunch of CD's the other day. Tom Waits - Rain Dogs, And One - Bodypop, Gary Numan - Jagged, Sleepytime Gorilla Museum - Grand Opening and Closing. I also finally got my Gene Serene and Nitzer Ebb CD's in the mail.
Carolyn and I finally talked about our former short lived relationship. It was nice to talk about it. It was what I expected, we both kinda made assumptions and drifted in that way. She thought I liked Jen more than her, which was untrue. So once again, Jen ruins something for me.
I dunno what else to say... it's been a while since I said anything and I really don't have much to add.
They've done a lot of growing lately


Yeah, it's 3:30 am and I have nothing better to do.
I look more like a corpse everyday and I love every second of it. Operation become a zombie is beginning.
I've puked about 5 or 6 times in the last 3 days. Gotta keep my wanted figure somehow over the holidays.
For christmas I got a TASCAM US-122L audio/MIDI interface so I can finally use my software synthesizers and do some DI recording on my computer. Next on my list of things to buy at Long and McQuaide: Drum Machine, portable digital studio, some mics, electric piano/midi controller to pair up with my MicroKORG, and maybe some electric drum pads. Oh and a guitar amp would be nice. Since I'm a guitar teacher and all, it makes sense.
I got my paycheck a couple days ago, for 74 bucks. Yeah, but I countered that by making about 300 bucks in the last 3 days. I also got $40 cash to close dish on New Years Eve. My manager sent my help home at 4 and told me it would be a slow night, instead it ended up being the busiest day that our location has ever seen and I ended up working dish alone all night. balls. I dunno if the $40 was worth 11 hours of working in dish on the busiest day. dish in itself is awful and shitty. It was busy New Years Day too, I worked broiler and pre-closed with Rob. It was my first PC shift and Robs second closing shift. So needless to say it was a sketchy close.
I picked up a bunch of CD's the other day. Tom Waits - Rain Dogs, And One - Bodypop, Gary Numan - Jagged, Sleepytime Gorilla Museum - Grand Opening and Closing. I also finally got my Gene Serene and Nitzer Ebb CD's in the mail.
Carolyn and I finally talked about our former short lived relationship. It was nice to talk about it. It was what I expected, we both kinda made assumptions and drifted in that way. She thought I liked Jen more than her, which was untrue. So once again, Jen ruins something for me.
I dunno what else to say... it's been a while since I said anything and I really don't have much to add.
- rotting teeth
- torn esophogus and stomach lining - which leads to vomiting blood
- yellow skin
- permanently blood shot eyes
- hair falling out
- really bad breath
- constant acid reflux
They also said I said bag and flag weird too.. i didnt hear a difference