So I finally got it:

It's pretty badass. But I have to go an buy a midi interface thing for my computer now to hook it up to my ACID PRO or if I want to use it for software synths. Any of this making sense to anyone?
I'm becoming more aware that my entire course is unofficially based around who you know. Since I'm not one to get along with the popular ones I'm pretty much destined for nothing. I was so excited to start this course. But like everything I look forward to it ended up making me feel more like shit than ever. I think this course is making me hate music.
I cancelled plans with Mel tonight. I give up.
I just generally feel like shit right now. I think how good I feel is directly related to how much money I have. I need a lot more money. I don't get paid for 2 weeks and I already only have 30 bucks in the bank. Fucking bus strike making me poor. And that synth and phone bill didn't help either.

It's pretty badass. But I have to go an buy a midi interface thing for my computer now to hook it up to my ACID PRO or if I want to use it for software synths. Any of this making sense to anyone?
I'm becoming more aware that my entire course is unofficially based around who you know. Since I'm not one to get along with the popular ones I'm pretty much destined for nothing. I was so excited to start this course. But like everything I look forward to it ended up making me feel more like shit than ever. I think this course is making me hate music.
I cancelled plans with Mel tonight. I give up.
I just generally feel like shit right now. I think how good I feel is directly related to how much money I have. I need a lot more money. I don't get paid for 2 weeks and I already only have 30 bucks in the bank. Fucking bus strike making me poor. And that synth and phone bill didn't help either.
What course are you taking? I find that happens with a lot of college courses. I've never been one to go with the crowd either, but I didn't have any problems in my course. I just did everything I could to make sure I did a damn good job, and ended up graduating at the top of the class, even though most of the time I usually just did my own thing. If you do a good job, whether they like you or hate you, they won't be able to deny what you're capable of.