I'm bored, therefore it's picture time.
First up; various pictures of me holding my youngest cousin Landon. He likes touching my goatee and teeth. I think my teeth look too yellow and I just generaly look dumb in the pics, but he looks cute.
Now various pics from the Eradication recording sessions:
Here's Nick, former drummer from The Hydra and he's producing our recordings.
Mike Aguanno:
Ryan Liebreigts (or something like that):
Carolyn and I went to the Leng Tch'e/FATO/Fuck the Facts/Beneath the Massacre show. It wasn't well attended so she left and I ended up going alone. A-fucking-gain. Like I'm gonna end up going to the Depeche Mode show by myself.
Today I couldn't sleep again and I spent all day inside. I woke up at 8am and it's now 11:30pm and I havn't even been withing 5 feet of a door to the outside world. So I basically laid on my bed and watched tv for hours. God I hate summer. Everyone I know is gone so there's nothing to do.
If my mom keeps being a bitch to me I'm just gonna straight up tell her that I don't plan on being here for Mothers Day nor am I getting her anything or acknowledging that retarded holiday.
Speaking of Carolyn earlier, I finally saw her scars from when she had her suicide attempt early in the year. I almost forgot about it. They are fucking deep cuts, she says she can still feel the seperations in her muscle. They were downward cuts and deep cuts so they weren't those emokid attention across cuts that won't kill them. She's lucky she's still alive. It's sad, she's still one of the greatest people I know and I almost lost her. But luckily she didn't die, she just finished some honours stuff for school and now she's one of the most wanted grad students in the country, if not the most. She immediately got accepted to her first choice lab at U of T. Not only that but they came to her before she even had a chance to go to them. It may sound retarded but I'm proud of her. And I hope for the best for her always.
I think I'll tell her that right now, done.
First up; various pictures of me holding my youngest cousin Landon. He likes touching my goatee and teeth. I think my teeth look too yellow and I just generaly look dumb in the pics, but he looks cute.

Now various pics from the Eradication recording sessions:
Here's Nick, former drummer from The Hydra and he's producing our recordings.

Mike Aguanno:

Ryan Liebreigts (or something like that):


Carolyn and I went to the Leng Tch'e/FATO/Fuck the Facts/Beneath the Massacre show. It wasn't well attended so she left and I ended up going alone. A-fucking-gain. Like I'm gonna end up going to the Depeche Mode show by myself.
Today I couldn't sleep again and I spent all day inside. I woke up at 8am and it's now 11:30pm and I havn't even been withing 5 feet of a door to the outside world. So I basically laid on my bed and watched tv for hours. God I hate summer. Everyone I know is gone so there's nothing to do.
If my mom keeps being a bitch to me I'm just gonna straight up tell her that I don't plan on being here for Mothers Day nor am I getting her anything or acknowledging that retarded holiday.
Speaking of Carolyn earlier, I finally saw her scars from when she had her suicide attempt early in the year. I almost forgot about it. They are fucking deep cuts, she says she can still feel the seperations in her muscle. They were downward cuts and deep cuts so they weren't those emokid attention across cuts that won't kill them. She's lucky she's still alive. It's sad, she's still one of the greatest people I know and I almost lost her. But luckily she didn't die, she just finished some honours stuff for school and now she's one of the most wanted grad students in the country, if not the most. She immediately got accepted to her first choice lab at U of T. Not only that but they came to her before she even had a chance to go to them. It may sound retarded but I'm proud of her. And I hope for the best for her always.
I think I'll tell her that right now, done.
You look so tender in those pics.
As for the blue jeans and hoodie I rock that all the time. People were scared to see me in a skirt