Sweet jesus Pat you were right this site is way better compared to ALOT of other sites. People actually respond and talk to me and i dont feel like i just blew my money on nothing! ....hell.... it even has a damn live journal thingy goin on so i can rant about whatever i want!
Im definatly enjoying being on here, its a good way fer me to pass the time on my midnight shift and its even a lil fun chit chattin with everyone.
Im feelin so "saucy" that im gonna up my opinion of the site in my profile! take that!!!!
Im definatly enjoying being on here, its a good way fer me to pass the time on my midnight shift and its even a lil fun chit chattin with everyone.
Im feelin so "saucy" that im gonna up my opinion of the site in my profile! take that!!!!

Dunno you either but you we live both live in CT so you can be the first to know that I passed another BIO test... cause really i got nothin else going for me at 10am ... I think that means I get to feel 'Sassy'