Having recently moved to Phoenix AZ, I have no friends or family around. I am painfully shy and have a low self esteem which doesn't help. The medications I take for my narcolepsy make me feel paranoid and manic so I avoid leaving the house and wish I could find someone who can relate to me to hang out with. When I speak to my friends and family on the phone, I always tell them everything is fine so they don't worry about me. I don't know what to do or where to turn. I never thought this would happen to me when I was younger. I am a good person and have so much to offer yet nobody to share it with. I really hope things improve soon and that I don't lose what little hope remains. God help me.
I feel like that all the time but i don't get lonely, i rather enjoy being home alone for long stretches of time, it's nice. Although, i have over a dozen pets to take care of sooooo, that's a big crowd of homies i have around keeping me company ;)
The "two year" mark I wrote about before is when I moved across the country on my own. I can definitely understand .. and especially the "never thought this would happen to me" thing. That's been a recurring thought.