out of the hospital, finally.
i'm on two antibiotics and a pain killer.

my family is in the process of moving back to florida. frown
i've decided to move back to ohio by myself in december.
i'll be living with my friend rachel when i move back.
it should be fun, since we have a lot of the same personality.


until then ohio.
Wish you get well soon kiss
I guess I'm missing the part of the legend on what made you go to the hospital in the first place... I hope you heal soon
In Newport, Tennessee. At the hospital. On morphine and percocet.

I'll probably be here for the next couple of days.

I'm tired. Going back to sleep now.
hope you're ok! shocked
Sounds like you must be in one hell of a lot of pain. Rest and get better
The above photos are kind of like a visual haiku.
SOOOOOOOOOOOO... Sam went to jail three days ago.
I've been pretty upset about it.
I haven't slept since I found out.
I've hardly had anything to eat since I found out.
I'm stressin' myself out so much I'm starting to get sick.
I listened to his bond hearing live online.
I'm pretty sure he's gonna be there for his birthday.
That's in 11 days....
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taking a hiatus from fb.
and life.
and boys.
and relationships.
taking care of
one of the best things
in life
best advice i've gotten lately! thank you. smile
Gonna call the doctor's an make an appointment to be put on Adderall.
raw veganism.
gonna give it a try.
i have nothin' else to say.
Shortly after I posted the blog on the 22nd, Ben found his best friend dead. It's honestly not a joke. I spent all night on the 22nd into the 23rd with him and Tanya. I honestly haven't known Ben that long. Maybe a couple months. And I've honestly just recently become friends with him, so this is really hard to go through with him. I...
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nice pictures
I might be taking an absence from here for a while, this is why...

SPOILERS! (Click to view)

My Grandpa's in the hospital. He's been in there for a little over a week I guess. We just heard four days ago. He didn't want anyone to worry about him. Two days ago, he was taken out of the ICU and we were told he was...
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