I had a kool evening last night.....I was told by someone that I absolutely had to watch "Hard Times". It is a locally produced rock video show. I never watch it and I can't from my house because I don't have cable. Anyways, I goto a friends to watch it....And low and behold, I won the grand prize to their contest ( I entered the contest at a local record store). Two tickets to the Summer Sanitarium Tour in Seattle plus round trip transpo on the Party bus with food and beverages supplied. The show is on Thursday and now I need to find someone who wants to go who doesn't have to work.........Anyways, that was my evening...still lookin for someone to go...hehe
More Blogs
Thursday Sep 04, 2003
Yesterday sucked, got up to goto work and my tire was completely flat… -
Saturday Aug 30, 2003
So I guess the SG west coast camping trip has been cancelled.....whic… -
Thursday Aug 28, 2003
work, work, work, work, work..........there's my week. The MTV VMA's … -
Saturday Aug 23, 2003
It's Saturday...slept in til 9, yes that's sleeping in to me. I norma… -
Friday Aug 22, 2003
Finally, the weekend is here!! It's been two weeks since I've had a w… -
Tuesday Aug 19, 2003
Yay!!, 9 days down, 3 to go for a day off......had to go paint at wor… -
Friday Aug 15, 2003
Nothing to much exciting today, went to work, ate dinner at a friends… -
Wednesday Aug 13, 2003
Today kinda sucked....my usual 10 hour day that doesn't actually both… -
Sunday Aug 10, 2003
Hello Everyone, Just got back from Los Angeles about an hour ago.… -
Monday Aug 04, 2003
Why is it so hard to find someone who wants to go to the Summer Sanit…
i'm in a shitload of therapy right now, trying to prevent some a' dat!!!