note to self: drinking vodka and redbull all night, combined with shots of Jagermeister = being awake until 7.30 in the morning because redbull does exactly what it says on the tin, it gives you wings, except for the tiny little fact that your brain actually sprouts said wings and flies around inside your skull, its not good

Things are going grand for me, I'm only feeling weird because time is going so slowly that it feels like I've been unemployed for about 10 years and I fear I will run out of money, but it's not going that slowly. If you want the exciting life why not come over and see me for a day? I may not be great company but the drink is very cheap here during the week and I have abstained for so long that I've saved up enough health points to be able to try and violently poison myself.
Take care regardless
I might be flying to El Paso to meet him this week...then we'll fly home together.
I've got so much to do before then!