Thank you so much to the fabulously inspiring @rambo for tagging me in this...but how the hell am I going to narrow this down to four people!? You are ALL amazing! Everyone reading, yes you. You are ace. Thank you for being here.
@midnightpoison - the kindest and most genuine sweetheart of all time, she puts everyone first and genuinely cares for everyone in a way you see very rarely. She takes everyone under her wing and treats them equally, she is such an innocent soul! I'm so glad she's found a place here and particularly amongst our little Corfu gang.
@mistressgt - such a passionate artist with her modelling (even if you are a perfectionist pest at times!) and I really can't wait for you to see the Cosplay set we shot in Corfu. This lady really shows what can be done when you REALLY put your heart and soul into something. I just know her hard work is going to be recognised with this set, it's undeniable. She even helped out with some special retouching which is the ONLY time I've ever had someone do that for my photos but she is an incredible professional retoucher and you're gonna bloody love the results.
@rawna - I just had to include Rawna for her pure unadulterated sex appeal, does that count as something nice? haha. Is she not the actual sexiest person you've ever seen/met in your life?! I appreciate it so much...Or do I just fancy her? I think everyone does? She's just super real, down to earth and totally fucking wild.
@flikrenee - now this is the definition of a fucking girlboss. She has turned her life upside down, all around and made it exactly what she wants it, when she wants it. She's inspiring, she's stunning (we need to shoot again for crying out loooouuudddd why are we so busy) and she works bloody hard. She puts the work in - nothing has fallen in her lap. She's taken risks, she's learned new skills but, most importantly, she's stayed her own gorgeous self which is what we all loved so much in the first place.
PS: THIS WAS VIRTUALLY IMPOSSIBLE TO DO! I truly mean it when I say you are all amazing, I could have mentioned any and every girl I've ever met, all the members that regularly comment on my work (thank you) the fucking amazing staff that work for SG, the creators, the ones that keep it ticking over - the ones you dont even know about - the faces you see on instagram, on lives, at the shows. This community is S O M E T H I N G E L S E...and I really think 2019 is going to be our year. The changes on the site might have taken some getting used to (and still are) but they are there for good reason, to recognise the girls creating these sets, to reward them and most importantly bring activity back to the site. Fuck instagram and fuck the censorship, you are safe here and a little kindness goes a long way <3
MERRY CHRISTMAS! HAPPY NEW YEAR! 2019 here we coooommmeeeeeee!!!
Oh babeeee this is such an honour and I’m following your other queens now, I love all the love you and @suicidegirls spread for so many people ❣️
Such a sweet post 💚