I am beyond myself with some of the girls that have made SG. I love the idea of SG. Modern day Burlesque, but some of the sets "the people" are choosing are pure soft core porn. Where is the art of the tease? Some of the SG sets are beautifully done. Artistic and creative and leave my mouth salivating for more. Other make me barf with thier lack of creativity, the lack of anything.... I refuse to name names, but a Suicide Girl in a aweful hotel room? What is burlesque about that?
I wish I could agree with you, but seriously...My second set was rejected because there were to many "vagina" showing shots. Had to reduce the number of pictures. They weren't even direct up front and personal vag pictures, they were mostly PSFB...No close ups or spread. So soft core porn? Doubtful...Though, I do find it a little weird that some sets are accepted that have way more explicit vag shots than I had...Those could be considered more pornographic than mine totes.
I guess we shall have to agree to disagree, no worries that happens alot. I have seen some super explicit photos, and clearly your were dismissed for some reason due to your vag shots. Regardless who chooses to show what, the part I am MANILY disoriented about are the girls, vag shot or not, in front of a wall, or rolling around on the floor, or on a gawdy couch with a electric cord still in the frame. I mean really? You couldnt take a few extra seconds to move an electric cord from view? So I agree with you as far as other photos seeming more pornographic then yours, although I havent seen yours I am sure they were good. I guess my rant wasnt about the porn, more about the lack of art. Like I said before the lack of anything. I want to see beauty and be in awe, not yawn after the first couple of pictures, and exit out of the set before she even gets naked.