Was today ever a long day? Shit yeah it was... but at long last, the school bell rang and I got to come home...
Had a rough couple of nights We and Thur... didn't get home till 4am yesterday morn and 1 this morn.... I think it was the tequila last night that about did me in..... oh well, goot times.
Going to take it easy tonight... a movie will do me right I know...
Well it seems that is all in the news today... stay tuned for another report at 11
another graphic piece of mine...

Had a rough couple of nights We and Thur... didn't get home till 4am yesterday morn and 1 this morn.... I think it was the tequila last night that about did me in..... oh well, goot times.
Going to take it easy tonight... a movie will do me right I know...
Well it seems that is all in the news today... stay tuned for another report at 11
another graphic piece of mine...