Another day in the life of 'me' It is humpday and I am drinking a beer - a well deserved beer at that.... this weather is rockin my world, I love it!
Including a drawing of mine.... this was a submission to the Mayor's Art Show about 3 years ago, so naturally it was in the Salon de Refuse.... that was fun....

Including a drawing of mine.... this was a submission to the Mayor's Art Show about 3 years ago, so naturally it was in the Salon de Refuse.... that was fun....

have you got a band website?? what do you play? i've been meaning to learn to play guitar, but i never bothered, i'm willing to be taught, but you live a bit of a trek away.....
I like your music choice.... ooh, btw, have you got a pic of your phoenix tattoo??
checked out the myspace thing, not sure if its my computer or not but the only thing i could do was listen to tracks, there were pics and stuff?!