My end feels near and I feel so good about it that I am almost certain that electricity is coursing through my body in surging waves. Is it bad to feel this good about death? I don't plan on assassinating myself or anything, I just feel like the universe is going to dispatch of me somehow and I am curious to see what is to...
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When the darkness comes, I smile.

When the light shines through, I'm lost for a while.

Shadows fall and the cursed comes in.

For I have faded and withered thin.

Hope becomes a disease that kills real slow.

A pain I wish I could dismiss, one I wish to have never known.

Tomorrow; tomorrow–the day after today–will be better.

My soul will be blacker.

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What happens when you get to the end of a rainbow and there's only a bowl of cereal?


I thought maybe, just maybe, if I held my breath, all the hot air inside would give me the ability to float...it turns out that you can float, if you hold your breath long enough. When your world feels like it's fading and shaking, crumbling and vision becomes blurred, exhale, feel how you float and fly. Up, up, away we go!


Within a world of something, I am lost air amongst the clouds.

Invisible vapor blooming in hideous shrouds.

Like a smudge, unnoticed upon the chalkboard, I am there, but unseen.

A ghost within a broken mind to haunt a fortune foreseen.

Failures of mine, hold me so.

Trapped in another time, unable to grow.

Am I doomed? I do not know.

If I could, I...
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