Retro Erotica
Hello all! So my grandfather visted me today and told me where I can get a new SLR camera for a cheap price. New and actually successful photoshoot coming shortly! I'm currently at a friend's birthday party and just got done bragging about my love of the other SG's and how I plan to level up the hierarchy and "go pink" as they say. Hah....
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I enjoyed your set. You are lovely!
Be rebelious! Lovely.
So I'm back, and I will share with you exactly where I went. You'd think I just had a super amazing holiday, right? Welll.... it was good I spent it with family, and a certain special leprechaun (don't ask
) was there to support me, but all christmas all I could think about was one thing- my dad going to Spring Harbor. Not only that,...
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happy belated new years
Glad things are going well for you. Sounds like you're hitting the ground running in 2010!
YAY I GOT THE JOB!! lol I am officially a cocktail waitress... when I went in this second time with Nikki, I was nervous cuz she had applied first and had actually spoken to the manager already while I had to just be pushy lol.
he doesnt need anybody until after the new years cuz he thinks they are gonna lose a lot of girls...
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he doesnt need anybody until after the new years cuz he thinks they are gonna lose a lot of girls...
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congrats on the job
have a great christmas x

oh i know when i first say that video i was like this if gold.
well like i said when we became friends expect it alot. sometimes i even read it twice
happy holidays to you
well like i said when we became friends expect it alot. sometimes i even read it twice

happy holidays to you
GRRRR I'm pissed. First, I apply to be a waitress at this nice semi-fancy restaurant where looks matter, so I can hopefully make decent money for going to college full time you know? But they kept dicking me around and were very unprofessional. Then, I try to land a waitressing position at PT's Showplace (the new platinum plus) yet no luck there either. I'm still...
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Good luck with gob to you and thank you for compliment on my set, cutie! 

i like the dominatrix thing
and yeah i agree, jobs suck but i guess if you find one that makes you happy (or isnt going to make you want to scratch your eyes out) then keep it
good luck either way love

The good, the bad, and the hopeful. Haha get it. Hopeful. lmao yeaah...
So, I saw a few big fancy posts from some friends with lists of what's good in their lives, what's bad, what's random, and what they are looking forward to. So. I'm gonna try that...
What's Good....
+ First semester is over. Fresh start in the spring! Hopefully I will get my...
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So, I saw a few big fancy posts from some friends with lists of what's good in their lives, what's bad, what's random, and what they are looking forward to. So. I'm gonna try that...
What's Good....
+ First semester is over. Fresh start in the spring! Hopefully I will get my...
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thanks for ur really cute comment! Well to be honest.. i'm fed up and kind of giving up on selling a obviously doesnt like my pictures or me..
I wish you all the luck!

I wish you all the luck!
Hey girl, thanks so much for your comments! I've looked but can't find a pic of your tattoo you mentioned. I'm sure it's lovely though and if not, well you're a stunning girl so I'm sure you pull it off ok
Good luck when you set goes up, I'll make sure I check it out as soon as it does.

I wouldn't mind the freezing temperatures as much if I had a car, but the whole walking in 20 degree temps sucks.
It's probably better that I don't have a car though, I have a tendency of disappearing and turning up in Maine, Vermont, Connecticut, random parts of Mass, etc. I totally spaced out once and ended up driving to Albany NY.
It's probably better that I don't have a car though, I have a tendency of disappearing and turning up in Maine, Vermont, Connecticut, random parts of Mass, etc. I totally spaced out once and ended up driving to Albany NY.
I did most of my wandering when gas was still under $2 a gallon
I do miss having my license and driving a tow truck though, it's always entertaining to meet new people by accident

I do miss having my license and driving a tow truck though, it's always entertaining to meet new people by accident

I know what my set is going to be now!! I found an adorable pink feather tickler in this shop the other day. I'm going to wear a frilly cute pink lingerie dress, or a pink robe over some pink and black underwear and a bra, with some pink heals. The hard part?? Buying all that stuff. I LOVE ebay. Honestly, I don't own a...
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i have no doubt whatever set you come up with will be awesome, you're adorable
i love your disturbed quote at the top. i absolutely love them, i have the sickness smiley face tatted on my arm and i have the same double labret's that Dave Draiman has. I've seen them live like 5 or 6 times, they are one of my all time favorite bands
i love your disturbed quote at the top. i absolutely love them, i have the sickness smiley face tatted on my arm and i have the same double labret's that Dave Draiman has. I've seen them live like 5 or 6 times, they are one of my all time favorite bands
A lit tree is a happy tree. I'm glad you spread the joy around this holiday season. hahaha
thanks you
hope you have a great weekend, do you have any plans?
Im going to see some of my friends for my 4th xmas party this week, I thnk im all mince pied out ha ha ha

Im going to see some of my friends for my 4th xmas party this week, I thnk im all mince pied out ha ha ha
I got a new haircut!! My girl did it, she's a beautiful exotic dancer who's gonna let me do a photoshoot for her so she can become a Hopeful. We hope we can get some real nice professional cameras and take some shoots together one of these days. A ways away!
But yeah she gave me bangs for the first time, the kind that are...
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But yeah she gave me bangs for the first time, the kind that are...
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Ooh just saw it, thank you SO much! Love how bright it is!
I totally agree, Im rubbish at taking pics, I have recently gotten a friend who is a photographer to take my pic and they'll be im MR in february
love your haircut and colour, really suits you
hope youre having a great weekend
love your haircut and colour, really suits you
hope youre having a great weekend
Cant wait to see ur set girly

the advertisement pics are cool, hopeful you will have one soon.
YESSS!!! That's all I can say right now. I did it!! For years, ever since the site first opened in 2001 and I was a mere TEN YEAR OLD, I knew I was unique and struggled to fit in, as this amazing subculture was being created unbeknown to me. By the time I was twelve, I had learned what the Suicide Girls were, and during...
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