ok, i guess i should explain the last to entries as they are apparently a little cryptic.
ok, since about a week ago i've been hanging out with a wonderful (or so i thought). we met at her work due to our work schedules conflicting or spent hours on the phone. we got along fine, and made out a bit over her dinner break a few days ago. however, last night did not go so well.
by the time i managed to get out there, she'd already gotten hosed changing a budweiser keg, so she was not in the best mood. the hosing from a miller lite keg and a poorly capped bottle of gin also didn't do much. i tried to offer what comfort i could, but to no avail.
she then informs me some little yuppie fuck jones motherfucker has been clowning her when i show up about "your boyfreind is here" and that plus the frown pinged on my radar as bad. then she informs me that we're not going to be able to hang out because she's just made other plans with a co-worker. guess which co-worker? that's right, laughing boy. she then tells me that our date today is off and that she's been talking to this guy and it seems like they have "a lot in common, relationship style." just fucking shoot me already.
so then laughing boy decides to talk shit to me. not the best idea at the best of times. then she's pissed because i called him a "sub human waste of flesh." i got accused of being an asshole. so what, she wanted me to bend over and smile about this shit? god damn. you think i'd have figured out by now that i'm single and gonna stay that way.
but i never learn but hard way. fuck it. i give up completely. women are fucking nuts (with certain exceptions {mostly those on my freinds list}).
guess it's just me and the booze again.
-the geist
ok, since about a week ago i've been hanging out with a wonderful (or so i thought). we met at her work due to our work schedules conflicting or spent hours on the phone. we got along fine, and made out a bit over her dinner break a few days ago. however, last night did not go so well.
by the time i managed to get out there, she'd already gotten hosed changing a budweiser keg, so she was not in the best mood. the hosing from a miller lite keg and a poorly capped bottle of gin also didn't do much. i tried to offer what comfort i could, but to no avail.
she then informs me some little yuppie fuck jones motherfucker has been clowning her when i show up about "your boyfreind is here" and that plus the frown pinged on my radar as bad. then she informs me that we're not going to be able to hang out because she's just made other plans with a co-worker. guess which co-worker? that's right, laughing boy. she then tells me that our date today is off and that she's been talking to this guy and it seems like they have "a lot in common, relationship style." just fucking shoot me already.
so then laughing boy decides to talk shit to me. not the best idea at the best of times. then she's pissed because i called him a "sub human waste of flesh." i got accused of being an asshole. so what, she wanted me to bend over and smile about this shit? god damn. you think i'd have figured out by now that i'm single and gonna stay that way.
but i never learn but hard way. fuck it. i give up completely. women are fucking nuts (with certain exceptions {mostly those on my freinds list}).
guess it's just me and the booze again.
-the geist
I am doing much better today...Thank you for asking
That sucks...what a cunt...be glad you found out sooner rather than later. She probably had VD anyways
. Single is good, single is freedom...just think about marriage and you'll appreciate it more and more
. Besides, with all your lovely lady friends, why bother with the drama of a girlfriend? You have to put up w/ their bad moods, buy 'em shit on holidays, and in my experience, being in a relationship for long enough pretty much makes it certain you wont get laid very often, hehe.

I;m up for it. we could probably talk Jocelyn into it. I'll check with Jonathan too