So yesterday was my first day of school!!
It was great. The teacher is really funny. I had more boys in my art class then girls. For some reason I thought there wouldnt be a lot of boys. So maybe not my art class, but Im sure there wont be a lot of boys in my fashion design classes! Those will start next week.
I have been going to the gym like I planned. I am very proud of myself.
Yesterday sucked ass at work, but i will live. Maybe I will get done faster with school then I can get the hell out of there. I really hate that place but the money is too good to go anywhere else.
If I could only find my sugardaddy! Then I could work somewhere else and go to school full time.

oh my god!!school, whereever you go you still have to do my hair!!
Thankyou for your comment on my set!
and I LOVE your hair! it's so hot! xx