Boys suck. Boys are stupid. Boys are a waist of my time.
I am over boys. They can all go to hell!
It seems like you find one nice one and then Bam, they show you the real them. Why do people kiss your ass when you first met them. Just be yourself. Im not going to sleep with you just cuz you kiss my ass.
Dont play games. Im tired of all the games. Just say what you want up front. Its much easier.
Bought NIN tickets yesterday. Sort of on accident. I hit the enter key. I did not click on the "Submit Order" button. I didnt know it would just go. It was a little expensive. Specially since I just saw them in May.
I dont mind paying but I know I will never never find anyone that will give me $50 for the other ticket to go with me.
NIN isnt really worth $100. Crap.
I go to california in 12 days! Right now I am working extra hours so I can get those two extra days off. So I am working on my days off basically. It will all be worth it.
New Harry Potter book came out yesterday. I will read it eventually but I dont want to buy it. I wait till everyone is done with theirs and I will barrow it.
Im out!
I am over boys. They can all go to hell!
It seems like you find one nice one and then Bam, they show you the real them. Why do people kiss your ass when you first met them. Just be yourself. Im not going to sleep with you just cuz you kiss my ass.
Dont play games. Im tired of all the games. Just say what you want up front. Its much easier.
Bought NIN tickets yesterday. Sort of on accident. I hit the enter key. I did not click on the "Submit Order" button. I didnt know it would just go. It was a little expensive. Specially since I just saw them in May.
I dont mind paying but I know I will never never find anyone that will give me $50 for the other ticket to go with me.
NIN isnt really worth $100. Crap.

I go to california in 12 days! Right now I am working extra hours so I can get those two extra days off. So I am working on my days off basically. It will all be worth it.
New Harry Potter book came out yesterday. I will read it eventually but I dont want to buy it. I wait till everyone is done with theirs and I will barrow it.

Im out!