Wow, the keep changing this site and its driving me crazy a little bit!
So yesterday morning was my first day of my new Art History class. I really really like it. My teacher is totally RAD!!!
And I really like this class. I think I am going to learn a lot. I am not looking forward to the 8 page paper she told us about but I have a little birdy at home that I think I just might be able to persuade to help me out!!!!!
Tegan and Sara in 6 days!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So yesterday morning was my first day of my new Art History class. I really really like it. My teacher is totally RAD!!!

Tegan and Sara in 6 days!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

yeah!!! geike on wheels! you better be on our team

Hey lovely, thank you so much for your sweet comment on my set! I'm happy you enjoyed it.