oh my god it has been a long time since i have even had a chance to see my computer other than online banking(i haven't kept a bank record in years, online is the only way to go)
I just got back from a great vaca... went out to jersey to see my favorite girl, and didn't want to come home.. the weather was great,...
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I just got back from a great vaca... went out to jersey to see my favorite girl, and didn't want to come home.. the weather was great,...
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I just wrote this great blog and when I went to submit it, it said page not available and now I am starting all over...this sucks.
ok so i previously said,
Yeah, I have a day off....
I hate working, so my new plan is to either win the lottery or marry rich.... the only problem is that I don't play the lottery and I...
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ok so i previously said,
Yeah, I have a day off....
I hate working, so my new plan is to either win the lottery or marry rich.... the only problem is that I don't play the lottery and I...
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i'm sooo there....heheh
check out PunkNiteMike's blog for piccas sugar! Thank you for the love.
so i got my tregus pierced 10 days ago... i can finally sleep on that side and it doens't hurt. but it's huge, so i am going to wait another week or so and go have it changed to something smaller. I can't believe that is still snowing, i don't think i can take much more of this. I think my dog wants something. she...
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you coming to punk nite next weekend?
that sucks! and nope.. i gotta work. i forgot to request off.
I don't know what to write about my life is kinda dull right now, every winter I go through this funk.... I feel like I am stuck inside, and have to dress in eight layers of clothes just to stay warm, and my friends all do the same.... Yeah, so this is pretty exciting, how many of you have fallen alseep by this point...
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I don't know what to write about my life is kinda dull right now, every winter I go through this funk.... I feel like I am stuck inside, and have to dress in eight layers of clothes just to stay warm, and my friends all do the same.... Yeah, so this is pretty exciting, how many of you have fallen alseep by this point...
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long story short... AT&t sold their wireless to Cingular a few years back... there was no more AT&T wireless...
now AT&T bought cingular back... and are re-naming it AT&T AGAIN.
so alas you already have AT&T
now AT&T bought cingular back... and are re-naming it AT&T AGAIN.
so alas you already have AT&T
write about how shitty ohio weather is, no matter what this time of the year is always about complaining how crappy ohio weather is. hopefully spring will be here before we know it though!
ok now that i have friends i feel the need to update my blog, but all of my friends (with the exception of holy who is never on) where there to share in my joys. so i'll just say i had a spectacular time and the best part was meeting all of you!
So onto other stuff, the weather SUCKS!!!!
I shoveled my driveway this...
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So onto other stuff, the weather SUCKS!!!!
I shoveled my driveway this...
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I just wanted to drop by and say thank you for coming out for Punk Nite last weekend, and that it was nice meeting you.
not to sound way forward but let me know if you want to get dinner some time... I know no females in Cleveland at all... It kinda sucks occasionally.
So I was feeling blue before, I just got hit with some more bad news, my little bro has skin cancer... WHAT THE FUCK! My grandfather died a few months ago from cancer and both of my grandmothers had it, so now it's moving into the younger generations? I still feel like I am too young to deal with this shit, what happened to all...
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i have punk nite prom pics up in my journal, go check em out!
we aren't friends yet... im going to fix that!
I am feeling pretty lonely lately. All I do is work, and more work, and then I go back to work. The sad part is I only work one job, so it's not as if I have it bad to the point I have to work three shit jobs to make ends meet, but my job is the equivalent to that. I worked 52 hours...
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It's been a whole week since I've written to all of my fans....ha ha I only have two and one doesn't write me. (you know who you are) So I was invited to go to this cool sounding event...maybe some of you have heard of it...Punk Night Prom, well if you haven't you've been warned. It is suppose to be hot! and that is what...
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i be the one putting on the Punk Nite Prom, i cant wait! you will meet LOTS of kick ass people from SG that weekend! so what are you wearing?

Happy Birthday Elvis, come on who doesn't love the king? Today is my last day off before I have to go back to being the bitch, I work in retail, so anyone who has done that knows what type of shit I have to deal with. I went to the grocery store today and got hit on. Not that I don't already know that I...
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i love the king.....KING NOTHING!!!!

Hello, I really have no idea on what to write. I have looked through some other pages and they all seem to be different. Some have a really long blog, some write 2 sentences, and some have some crazy pics... and since this is my first I guess I have to kinda talk about myself. So ok, I have the greatest dog in the world....
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oh and thanks so much for your comment on my set!
and for having me as your favorite sg!!!! WOW! that rocks!