So Jesus Fucking Christ it's already christmas! Time to spend more money on more commercial bullshit! I say let's protest christmas! actually on second thought, I like getting presents so i guess we'll let it fly this year! I'm jammin the new propagandhi and it fucking rocks, everyone should check it out! So good news NOFx is coming to cleveland in march at the house of blues and i can't wait to fucking see them! It'll be the third time i see them. Last time i saw them we brought a keg with us to the parking lot and got fucking wasted. Half of our friends couldn't get in because they could barely walk up to the door! What a fucking show that was. I wish i lived in Cali. so i could go to a real punk show every night. what a bunch of lucky bastards. Anyway i'm finally going to get some holes in my head next week. I can't wait to have have more holes for my stupidity to leak out of! If anyone else is going to the formerly mentioned Nofx show let me know! I never miss an opportunity to meet complete strangers.

I keep forgetting the holidays are coming up until I read such entries!
hey buttnugget!!! ya you!!! you dont talk enough to entertain me dammit!!! try harder