howdy all
I'd be on here more but Shawn-aka-Gemini79 is on this damn site all day
Thanks for all the responces, I'll be putting up replies in journals soon as I get done with work shit. BLAH.
Anyone have any interesting ideas for an SG photoset? That I can steal
Hey I'll give ya credit.
My creative brain is shit, working in the biz field seems to do that. But I want to be a suicide giirrrrrrrlllllll damnnniiittt. I'm way too enthused to be on the site. Its borderline pathetic, really.
Shawn took all my pics, he wants to pursue photography so he wanted me to post some of what he took.
I DO ALL THE PHOTOSHOP. I have to put in a plug for myself, too.
heres one
heres one that I took of Shawn, hes good lookin, no?
another one of me
heres yet another
now I'm just showing that I'm full of myself by posting even more of me
another--is it getting annoying yet?
heres the last, yaaayy!
Don't be too nice about those pics, being complimented embarrasses me. Oh hell go ahead and compliment me.
No seriously go ahead? I'll pay you?
I'd be on here more but Shawn-aka-Gemini79 is on this damn site all day

Thanks for all the responces, I'll be putting up replies in journals soon as I get done with work shit. BLAH.
Anyone have any interesting ideas for an SG photoset? That I can steal

My creative brain is shit, working in the biz field seems to do that. But I want to be a suicide giirrrrrrrlllllll damnnniiittt. I'm way too enthused to be on the site. Its borderline pathetic, really.

Shawn took all my pics, he wants to pursue photography so he wanted me to post some of what he took.
I DO ALL THE PHOTOSHOP. I have to put in a plug for myself, too.

heres one
heres one that I took of Shawn, hes good lookin, no?
another one of me
heres yet another
now I'm just showing that I'm full of myself by posting even more of me
another--is it getting annoying yet?
heres the last, yaaayy!

Offthedead, the pic your refering to wasnt phtoshopped, good eye though.
Abadin I agree, shes a great model with but lacks facial expression.
Xiphoidtoo, yes my fiance is hot, I'm cool though, I take more naked pics of her for y'all.
You need to tell your boyfriend to get over being scared of tattooed and peirced freaks...we're nice people too. I promise.