so, i'm kind of curious as to how many people read this journal. see, i don't always feel a need to update it because something exciting hasn't happened or i don't have anything weighing on my chest. but, i've noticed that a lot of people update at least once a day with large updates and these people always have lots of comments on their update. i can go days between updates without a comment. granted i don't have a great number of "friends," but still. so i'm wondering if people read my journal, but just don't comment, or they just don't bother with it because the updates are random.....or everyone hates me, waaaaaaaahhhhh!.....ha ha.
one thing of interest. one of my rats bit my sister (nothing bad, just a little nip, but it did break the skin). well, my mom is convinced that the rats are responsible for her being sick.
i hope she doesn't make me get rid of them. oh well.
oh, i have today and tomorrow off of work. woooooooo!
one thing of interest. one of my rats bit my sister (nothing bad, just a little nip, but it did break the skin). well, my mom is convinced that the rats are responsible for her being sick.

oh, i have today and tomorrow off of work. woooooooo!

Sorry 'bout that. Got a phone call as I was replying. A very involved phone call. You'll probably read about it in my journal...soon.