so, i'm kind of curious as to how many people read this journal. see, i don't always feel a need to update it because something exciting hasn't happened or i don't have anything weighing on my chest. but, i've noticed that a lot of people update at least once a day with large updates and these people always have lots of comments on their update....
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Sorry 'bout that. Got a phone call as I was replying. A very involved phone call. You'll probably read about it in my journal...soon.
so, i really, really, really hate my job. someone please find me another one that isn't boring and repetative. i feel like i've become dumber since i left school because i haven't had anything challenging to do. whatever
well, there is always prostitution. but i guess that maybe be repetitive after a while as well. biggrin miao!!
i just woke up from one hell of a night. after work, a few of us went out to a bar and someone got the bright idea to start doing shots. we got wasted and decided to go to an after-hours club in norfolk. my friend doug was WASTED and screaming "I'M WASTED!! FUCK EVERYONE, I'LL KILL YOU ALL!! HEY, LETS GET SOME HEROINE!!" out....
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so that sorority girl and i were supposed to have our second date today. she was supposed to call after she got out of class...and that was supposed to be about 2 hours ago. i'd make a longer update, but i need to go commit a bit of murder. so, once i'm back and have cleaned up all the blood off my hands and dumped...
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okay, okay. so she just called. she went to take a nap after class and a half-hour turned into four hours. so, that's okay. that's acceptable. she called to appologize and so we're going to go tomorrow instead. so, no murders to commit.....yet. smile
I suppose I forgive you for your transgressions. Perhaps this girl not calling is the world's way of getting back at you for not calling me wink JUST KIDDING!

Talk to you soon smile
what a beautiful, fucking night. not a cloud in the sky and the stars are shining bright.....sorry for the moment of sappiness, but its just so nice out.

work sucks. i'm not so sure about kirsten, anymore. she's 21 so she's still in that "hey, lets get fucked up" all the time mode. the Shins are playing on tuesday and i'm going to see if...
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Naw, that works. If it's toooooo late, I'll probably just go home, seeing as how I like to sleep on occasion. But if it's around 11:30-12, I'll give you a ring. Don't be too afraid of my friends, either. They're crazy. I'd be scared if I didn't know and love them.
pshhhh...I totally called you and you totally didn't show. frown

oh man. cameron and i went to Nags Head for the day. we drank a case of beer and played football in the water. it was awesome. although, i was in the sun for 6 hours and putting an irish man in the sun is like putting a fork in the microwave....there's just a lot of sparks and pain. i'm so freakin' red right now......anyone...
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oh bite me wink

I'll rub you.............

Time? Place? Let the rubbing begin.
nothing exciting really happened this week. i'm applying for a job with a record label in baltimore. i if i hear anything back about it, i'll write more, but i'm trying not to get my hopes up, ya know?

so i finally went on a date with "that girl" and it was actually fun. she's not as conservative/snobby/ditzy as i thought she might be. she...
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so today i......wait.....what time is it? shit! aqua teen hunger force is on. sorry, i'll update later. *runs to TV*
Good, at least you've got your priorities straight!
wooo!! my cousin's not dead and he's going to have facial movements again!! when he got stabbed in the neck it apparently cut a bunch of nerves and they weren't sure if he'd be able to move his facial muscles. but, they got him all fixed up (after like 6 hours of surgery) and they're even sending him home early. woooo! i can't explain how...
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Good to hear!

So hey, when are we gonna hang out? What's your work schedule like these days?
so i get a call tonight at work. its my mom. she tells me that my cousin mathew (who's basically my brother) was stabbed 5 times and has been in surgery the past 6 hours. his friend got jumped and he tried to defend him and the attackers stabbed him in the bicep, thigh (in the femoral artery, no less), in the face, in the...
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Oh god. I'm so sorry. I know there's probably nothing I can do, but if there just happens to be...don't hesitate to ask.
so i get a call today from my friend liz, who also works at berretts. she knows about the whole "being stood up" thing and so she talked to the girl about it. didn't tell her that i was mad or that she knew i got stood up, just acted like she knew we were supposed to go out. oh, the girls name is Kirsten,...
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Well....if she wanted you to call her that same night, to go out that same night she gave you her number, and you went out, and sat at the end of the table without much talking (ie. that all happened in one night)....ummm...give her one call. Did you think she was that shy when you guys were first talking? I'd say, to get to the bottom of her alleged 'shyness', try taking her out once. Without so many people around. Give her a call, and ask her for something simple, like, maybe just the two of you grab a drink after work, or meet up at the mall for a little shopping and a coffee (girls usually un-tense up when they're shopping). That way there's plenty of other people around, but they're doing their own thing and won't interfere with you trying to talk to her. If she still acts like this with no kind of repreve (ie. no hug, kiss, handshake, 'thanks', or nuthin'), don't bother with it anymore. So many fuckers out there are just totally crazy, that if there's one thing i've learned is to, not question that shit right off the bat. If there aren't immediate 'sparks' or at least nice 'similarities', i get the fuck out. think about it...would you want your dream girl to be all weird to you and make you work harder at getting her to like you, or would you want her to be assertive, and friendly, and inquisitive into your life?

just my 2 cents....one crazy woman's perspective wink
Ooo, does she go to W&M??? Does she wear khaki's? Does she like metal? Or is she just a cute girl you wanna make out with? How old is she? Is she from Will'burg? Can I ask you anymore questions? confused