Silent Affirmation
I can feel you searching my eyes
Right through to the soul
For some mark of recognition:
Perhaps a twinkle?
Or were you expecting more?
Rainbows and unicorns and
Some sort of jewelry to show to whom I belong
Or on which side I stand
Or how many
Thats not my style.
But standing over the sparkling dishes
Of chocolate-covered ginger
And flatbread and hummus
I summon the courage
To return your smile
And in that moment
I bare a story written only in my eyes
A hieroglyphic tale
That only people like us can decipher
Between casual conversations and friendly strangers
You smile a knowing smile
Silently acknowledging our common roots
And all too soon bid your farewell
Slipping into the winter darkness
Leaving us both knowing,
That sooner rather than later
We will meet again
This time, in our native land
Reveling in the common tongue
Of kindred understanding.
Flight Through Autumns Winds
Peppered gray heavens lay coffin-perspective
Above this aging earth, wings of dying green,
Red, orange, purple tell their tale of beauty
But others do not see this, but rather:
Its fall, Its getting too cold, they say with annoyance in their tones
It is the bridge between the maiden and the misguided, isolated crone
Her multicolored wings are now falling onto the browning earth
And in so doing, my own eyes scan this masquerade of colors
I walk my limited steps, seeing people disguised, disgusted in layers
Its fall, Its getting too cold, they repeat with that adolescent-like insolence
Dont they see the subtle beauty of soft and slow death?
Mother Earth is surrendering herself to the willing continuous rape of her innocence
To give her own body for our ring of life to continue
Sharp, razor-like Autumn winds nip at my collar
Go down to a bridge somewhere and watch the crone take over the world
Its all alike, people say, Its fallcandytoo coldits fallcandytoo cold.
They remain ignorant and not noticing Anus deteriorating smile
Anus beams drops at the hour of midnight
Its a cycle she knows too well, the sacrifice she must give
As the admittance happens, a single fluttering wings root breaks and it takes flight
The final September wing lays on the beige earth

I can feel you searching my eyes
Right through to the soul
For some mark of recognition:
Perhaps a twinkle?
Or were you expecting more?
Rainbows and unicorns and
Some sort of jewelry to show to whom I belong
Or on which side I stand
Or how many
Thats not my style.
But standing over the sparkling dishes
Of chocolate-covered ginger
And flatbread and hummus
I summon the courage
To return your smile
And in that moment
I bare a story written only in my eyes
A hieroglyphic tale
That only people like us can decipher
Between casual conversations and friendly strangers
You smile a knowing smile
Silently acknowledging our common roots
And all too soon bid your farewell
Slipping into the winter darkness
Leaving us both knowing,
That sooner rather than later
We will meet again
This time, in our native land
Reveling in the common tongue
Of kindred understanding.
Flight Through Autumns Winds
Peppered gray heavens lay coffin-perspective
Above this aging earth, wings of dying green,
Red, orange, purple tell their tale of beauty
But others do not see this, but rather:
Its fall, Its getting too cold, they say with annoyance in their tones
It is the bridge between the maiden and the misguided, isolated crone
Her multicolored wings are now falling onto the browning earth
And in so doing, my own eyes scan this masquerade of colors
I walk my limited steps, seeing people disguised, disgusted in layers
Its fall, Its getting too cold, they repeat with that adolescent-like insolence
Dont they see the subtle beauty of soft and slow death?
Mother Earth is surrendering herself to the willing continuous rape of her innocence
To give her own body for our ring of life to continue
Sharp, razor-like Autumn winds nip at my collar
Go down to a bridge somewhere and watch the crone take over the world
Its all alike, people say, Its fallcandytoo coldits fallcandytoo cold.
They remain ignorant and not noticing Anus deteriorating smile
Anus beams drops at the hour of midnight
Its a cycle she knows too well, the sacrifice she must give
As the admittance happens, a single fluttering wings root breaks and it takes flight
The final September wing lays on the beige earth

you are great