Hello everyone,
I hope everyone is well on this cold and damp Sunday. Well it is cold and damp here, I hope it's not wherever you are. I did want to thank all of you who have befriended me on Facebook. I can't believe how many friends I have gained since I mentioned my addiction to it last week. My sweetie is on there too, so feel free to add her if you like. Especially if you play Farmville. I am really kicking her butt in that and she needs more friends and neighbors to have any chance of catching me. Okay, the dorky part of my blog is over.
I had a very busy week at work, but so far a very relaxing weekend. Last night we decided to make it a nice quiet night at home. First we listened to some Leonard Cohen. I couldn't believe that Kelli had never listened to him before, nor had she even heard of him. Well, I am happy to say that she is now a fan also! It was very cozy just sitting there and listening, although I did coax her into dancing with me to "Dance Me To The End Of Love". After that we watched "The Wrestler". All I can say is WOW!, what a movie! How did Mickey Rourke not win the Oscar for that? I don't go to the movies much, so I don't know who he was up against. All I know is that he did an incredible job. I did cry at a couple of parts.
Okay, I think it's time for a coffee break now. While I am getting my coffee please feel free to look at my boobies! lol

Okay, I'm back. I do love coffee! BTW, that one was for you Jessica! lol
Some more random thoughts. I was disappointed today when I realized that Lyvia is no longer active on this site. She was definitely one of my favorite SG's on here. She is such a cutie!
I did something totally dorky yesterday, but I don't care. I love all kinds of music and freely admit it, but now my friends are making fun of me because of something I ordered on ebay. I ordered Barry Manilow's Greatest Hits! so there! It's not dorky, I love his stuff!
PS. I was dared to admit that on here! lol And I bet now everyone is humming their favorite Manilow tune in their head! If not, now you are!!! LMAO!
Now it's my turn to dare all of you! I dare you to admit one of your own guilty pleasures for everyone to see too! You can do it right here on my blog. I think it will be a blast. We all have them. And yes, The Jonas Brothers are cute! lol Come on! We all have them! Or is it just me?
Enough of the silly stuff for now. Maybe a photo break would be good now. Sorry no boobies, but how about a bum shot?

Well that's it for me this week. My mind is blank. I know that I have forgotten a lot of stuff that I wanted to write about, maybe I should take notes or something during the week. Anyways, here comes some poems I wrote. Can you guess who the first one is for? Hope you like them!
Ooh Ooh! I just remembered one thing! Marisa Tomei Looked awesome in The Wrestler! She is such a hottie. So now I will add her to my list of crushes. I am adding Cate Blanchett as well. Another HOTTIE!!! Why are older chicks turning me on??? lol
In this place where you all greet me
I'm so welcomed and every one of you
in your physical form
absorb my spirit and console it.
And you, I throw myself into you
and hide my face in your neck
as your blonde mane covers my face
I bury my heart's troubles in your comfort
and your eyes they reflect
your affectionate nature
and speak to me like no human could
because you are the unconditional gift
of a great and powerful Creator
and you are here, made for me and mine
and in that symbiosis
we find strength to carry one anothers burdens.
How can I not give thanks for the beauty of this
living being?
moment of humor
The things we never notice
the things like, in others or in something before us the whole damn time
again and again and again
as our eyes our drawn to only specific points of the screen
on a usual basis...
we just watched Sex and the City
I look down
open office blank page
bottom gray boxes read
100% - INSRT STD
I hope everyone is well on this cold and damp Sunday. Well it is cold and damp here, I hope it's not wherever you are. I did want to thank all of you who have befriended me on Facebook. I can't believe how many friends I have gained since I mentioned my addiction to it last week. My sweetie is on there too, so feel free to add her if you like. Especially if you play Farmville. I am really kicking her butt in that and she needs more friends and neighbors to have any chance of catching me. Okay, the dorky part of my blog is over.
I had a very busy week at work, but so far a very relaxing weekend. Last night we decided to make it a nice quiet night at home. First we listened to some Leonard Cohen. I couldn't believe that Kelli had never listened to him before, nor had she even heard of him. Well, I am happy to say that she is now a fan also! It was very cozy just sitting there and listening, although I did coax her into dancing with me to "Dance Me To The End Of Love". After that we watched "The Wrestler". All I can say is WOW!, what a movie! How did Mickey Rourke not win the Oscar for that? I don't go to the movies much, so I don't know who he was up against. All I know is that he did an incredible job. I did cry at a couple of parts.
Okay, I think it's time for a coffee break now. While I am getting my coffee please feel free to look at my boobies! lol

Okay, I'm back. I do love coffee! BTW, that one was for you Jessica! lol
Some more random thoughts. I was disappointed today when I realized that Lyvia is no longer active on this site. She was definitely one of my favorite SG's on here. She is such a cutie!
I did something totally dorky yesterday, but I don't care. I love all kinds of music and freely admit it, but now my friends are making fun of me because of something I ordered on ebay. I ordered Barry Manilow's Greatest Hits! so there! It's not dorky, I love his stuff!
PS. I was dared to admit that on here! lol And I bet now everyone is humming their favorite Manilow tune in their head! If not, now you are!!! LMAO!
Now it's my turn to dare all of you! I dare you to admit one of your own guilty pleasures for everyone to see too! You can do it right here on my blog. I think it will be a blast. We all have them. And yes, The Jonas Brothers are cute! lol Come on! We all have them! Or is it just me?
Enough of the silly stuff for now. Maybe a photo break would be good now. Sorry no boobies, but how about a bum shot?

Well that's it for me this week. My mind is blank. I know that I have forgotten a lot of stuff that I wanted to write about, maybe I should take notes or something during the week. Anyways, here comes some poems I wrote. Can you guess who the first one is for? Hope you like them!
Ooh Ooh! I just remembered one thing! Marisa Tomei Looked awesome in The Wrestler! She is such a hottie. So now I will add her to my list of crushes. I am adding Cate Blanchett as well. Another HOTTIE!!! Why are older chicks turning me on??? lol
In this place where you all greet me
I'm so welcomed and every one of you
in your physical form
absorb my spirit and console it.
And you, I throw myself into you
and hide my face in your neck
as your blonde mane covers my face
I bury my heart's troubles in your comfort
and your eyes they reflect
your affectionate nature
and speak to me like no human could
because you are the unconditional gift
of a great and powerful Creator
and you are here, made for me and mine
and in that symbiosis
we find strength to carry one anothers burdens.
How can I not give thanks for the beauty of this
living being?
moment of humor
The things we never notice
the things like, in others or in something before us the whole damn time
again and again and again
as our eyes our drawn to only specific points of the screen
on a usual basis...
we just watched Sex and the City
I look down
open office blank page
bottom gray boxes read
100% - INSRT STD
Please do; my pleasure 

You already know my new guilty pleasure, haha