Hey all,
Is everyone ready for St. Patty's day? I hope so. I am going to be in NYC on Tuesday and Wednesday working, so we are going to have our St. Patty's meal today. Our apartment already smells of cabbage, lol. For some reason they do celebrate the holiday the weekend before up here in the boonies. I grew up in the city so I am used to actually celebrating it on the 17th. Oh well, I get to celebrate it twice this year. If anyone is around on Tuesday night I plan on going to Helen's in Chelsea with some friends. If we stick to our plans maybe I can meet some fellow subscribers.
Okay, back to my boring life. Kelli and I watched a movie last night that my folks recommended. I must admit that both of us were a little under-enthused, but we did it anyway. Well, it was such a great movie!!! It is pretty old, so I'm not sure how many people have seen it. The movie is "Cat Ballou". It stars Jane Fonda and Lee Marvin. I think he won an Oscar for this movie. Jane looked friggin HOT!!! Wow! She was very young in the movie and so, so sexy!!! I have to admit, she kinda reminded me of Flux. We both loved the movie, so I am passing along the recommendation from my folks. And to answer a question on my blog from last week, Netflix is $8.99 a month. Well worth it considering everything you get with it if you have high speed internet.
Tittie break!!!

I am so glad that the warm weather is finally coming! I feel like I have been cooped up all winter. I will gladly trade an hour of sleep for the arrival of spring! I can't wait to get outside again. And Tulip Fest is coming soon too! That's a really great weekend festival here with great bands and food. And everyone finally gets outside, so we get to see people we haven't seen since Autumn! As you can see it doesn't take much to excite me, lol.

One last thought before the dreaded poetry begins. I was playing around on Netflix last weekend and I found a pretty funny site with some really good videos. Here is the link to one of them.
Please don't let the website name scare you. It is definitely not porn. Just some really funny stuff.
I hope everyone enjoys their St. Patty's day!!! And now, without further ado, it is time for my lamo poems!
Ive fought a lot of battles in my time
And chosen well my side
Of lines drawn in the sand
Only on occasion regretting
Decisions made
And even now cant recall
Something I might have done differently.
In all honest reflection
I cannot say Ive lost
Even when the cost
Has been deeply sacrificial
This battle,
I have fought before
Different places different faces
And never feared for
Even in my quiet unassuming nature
I know the power of right
When it comes to putting up a fight.
And that is whats accompanied me on
Each and every cause.
This battle,
I think I may not have the strength
Or energy to provide
A full and brave assault
I may just have to recede
Yet not concede.
There are others who will say
Do it for another
Ive done that in my life
Now its time I think
To do something for myself
If doing for myself
Means walking away
And leaving someone to wallow in their
Own happy, contemptuousness
Then so be it.
The only determination for me is time.
Do I endure continued scrutiny?
Or leave you to your happy misery
Because its pretty miserable to give
Yourself up to dishonesty.
I am tired
And I want to win this
In my own way
If it seems cowardly
I apologize to those who might do it differently
And fight the good fight
Now its really time
In this life of mine
To be able to turn on my heel
With some dignity
And head out in my own direction
Leaving this system of deceit behind.
Robot in Love
A robot falls in love.
A robot falls in love with a curling iron.
The robot takes to watching romantic comedies
And leaking visual lubricant upon hearing certain sappy love songs;
All the while
Caught up in daydreams of how,
Where there is beauty,
She enhances it--
And to the straight and dull,
She brings panache and style.
And besides! She's hot!
But could she love a robot?
Could she love someone genderless?
Could she love
Someone not covered under warranty?
If the robot could shrink,
And hide among the cotton balls and band-aids at night,
Then the robot might hear her sighing in her sleep,
"Dreamy robot!
Come and get me!"
But unfortunately,
The robot spends its nights folded for easy storage
Among the coats and boots
In the front closet,
Set to standby mode,
The robot dreams Rapunzelian dreams
In which the beloved little curling iron
Is always warm
And close at hand.
Is everyone ready for St. Patty's day? I hope so. I am going to be in NYC on Tuesday and Wednesday working, so we are going to have our St. Patty's meal today. Our apartment already smells of cabbage, lol. For some reason they do celebrate the holiday the weekend before up here in the boonies. I grew up in the city so I am used to actually celebrating it on the 17th. Oh well, I get to celebrate it twice this year. If anyone is around on Tuesday night I plan on going to Helen's in Chelsea with some friends. If we stick to our plans maybe I can meet some fellow subscribers.
Okay, back to my boring life. Kelli and I watched a movie last night that my folks recommended. I must admit that both of us were a little under-enthused, but we did it anyway. Well, it was such a great movie!!! It is pretty old, so I'm not sure how many people have seen it. The movie is "Cat Ballou". It stars Jane Fonda and Lee Marvin. I think he won an Oscar for this movie. Jane looked friggin HOT!!! Wow! She was very young in the movie and so, so sexy!!! I have to admit, she kinda reminded me of Flux. We both loved the movie, so I am passing along the recommendation from my folks. And to answer a question on my blog from last week, Netflix is $8.99 a month. Well worth it considering everything you get with it if you have high speed internet.
Tittie break!!!

I am so glad that the warm weather is finally coming! I feel like I have been cooped up all winter. I will gladly trade an hour of sleep for the arrival of spring! I can't wait to get outside again. And Tulip Fest is coming soon too! That's a really great weekend festival here with great bands and food. And everyone finally gets outside, so we get to see people we haven't seen since Autumn! As you can see it doesn't take much to excite me, lol.

One last thought before the dreaded poetry begins. I was playing around on Netflix last weekend and I found a pretty funny site with some really good videos. Here is the link to one of them.
Please don't let the website name scare you. It is definitely not porn. Just some really funny stuff.
I hope everyone enjoys their St. Patty's day!!! And now, without further ado, it is time for my lamo poems!
Ive fought a lot of battles in my time
And chosen well my side
Of lines drawn in the sand
Only on occasion regretting
Decisions made
And even now cant recall
Something I might have done differently.
In all honest reflection
I cannot say Ive lost
Even when the cost
Has been deeply sacrificial
This battle,
I have fought before
Different places different faces
And never feared for
Even in my quiet unassuming nature
I know the power of right
When it comes to putting up a fight.
And that is whats accompanied me on
Each and every cause.
This battle,
I think I may not have the strength
Or energy to provide
A full and brave assault
I may just have to recede
Yet not concede.
There are others who will say
Do it for another
Ive done that in my life
Now its time I think
To do something for myself
If doing for myself
Means walking away
And leaving someone to wallow in their
Own happy, contemptuousness
Then so be it.
The only determination for me is time.
Do I endure continued scrutiny?
Or leave you to your happy misery
Because its pretty miserable to give
Yourself up to dishonesty.
I am tired
And I want to win this
In my own way
If it seems cowardly
I apologize to those who might do it differently
And fight the good fight
Now its really time
In this life of mine
To be able to turn on my heel
With some dignity
And head out in my own direction
Leaving this system of deceit behind.
Robot in Love
A robot falls in love.
A robot falls in love with a curling iron.
The robot takes to watching romantic comedies
And leaking visual lubricant upon hearing certain sappy love songs;
All the while
Caught up in daydreams of how,
Where there is beauty,
She enhances it--
And to the straight and dull,
She brings panache and style.
And besides! She's hot!
But could she love a robot?
Could she love someone genderless?
Could she love
Someone not covered under warranty?
If the robot could shrink,
And hide among the cotton balls and band-aids at night,
Then the robot might hear her sighing in her sleep,
"Dreamy robot!
Come and get me!"
But unfortunately,
The robot spends its nights folded for easy storage
Among the coats and boots
In the front closet,
Set to standby mode,
The robot dreams Rapunzelian dreams
In which the beloved little curling iron
Is always warm
And close at hand.
haha aww thank you m'dear! <3
Thanks for recommending Cat Ballou. I just finished watching it, or re-watching it. I saw it in the movie theater on it's first release when I was a kid, and fell in love with Jane Fonda.