Hey all!
Here is some news that I have been keeping from everyone until I got a chance to talk to my parents.
Kelli and I have made a decision to relocate to NYC. This will probably happen within the next 6 months. First we will need to find a place. Our target areas are the Lower East Side, the East Village, Gramercy Park, or...
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Here is some news that I have been keeping from everyone until I got a chance to talk to my parents.
Kelli and I have made a decision to relocate to NYC. This will probably happen within the next 6 months. First we will need to find a place. Our target areas are the Lower East Side, the East Village, Gramercy Park, or...
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Good luck with the move!
I want you two to be my NYC tour guides...should I ever actually make it 

Hey all,
I know I have been absent for a while, so I will fill you in on what has been going on in my life.
I have been living with a herniated disk in my back since February. I am feeling much better now, but it was very painful for quite a while. I couldn't even dress myself. Kelli has been wonderful throughout this...
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I know I have been absent for a while, so I will fill you in on what has been going on in my life.
I have been living with a herniated disk in my back since February. I am feeling much better now, but it was very painful for quite a while. I couldn't even dress myself. Kelli has been wonderful throughout this...
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I'm pleased to hear you're doing so well, save for the herniated disk. I can only imagine how painful that must be

Sucks to hear the bad. Glad to hear the good. Glad to see you back!

Sucks to hear the bad. Glad to hear the good. Glad to see you back!

*awaits the more photos to come part* 

still love you and Kelly
Wow! How time flies! I didn't realize a month had passed since my last post. All I can say is that I have been very busy on the weekends, including this one. I just got back from another weekend in NYC.
I have been spending most of my weekends in NYC. Mostly in the East Village, the Lower East Side, and Chinatown, and then sleeping...
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I have been spending most of my weekends in NYC. Mostly in the East Village, the Lower East Side, and Chinatown, and then sleeping...
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I hope you come back!
I arrived home from my west coast trip safe and sound on Thursday. I must say it wasn't the most pleasant trip I have ever been on. I blame that on my cousins in-laws. Maybe it's an east coast thing, or maybe my upbringing, I am just used to being accepted for who I am and I just figured it was getting to be...
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I arrived home from my west coast trip safe and sound on Thursday. I must say it wasn't the most pleasant trip I have ever been on. I blame that on my cousins in-laws. Maybe it's an east coast thing, or maybe my upbringing, I am just used to being accepted for who I am and I just figured it was getting to be...
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"Carpet munchers". How clueless!!! Like anyone wears carpets anymore - that's soooo 20th century.... 


I think everyone has those family members who want to be problematic. In my case it's my sister, who just so happens to live on the west coast. Go figure
I've decided I'm a fan of booty breaks

I've decided I'm a fan of booty breaks

Hey all!
It's been a memorable week for me, that's for sure. Earlier this week my cousin Christy lost her life in a horrific car accident. Details are a bit sketchy right now, but the accident is still under investigation. It has hit everybody in my family hard. My parents and I will be flying out later tonight to attend the wake and funeral.
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It's been a memorable week for me, that's for sure. Earlier this week my cousin Christy lost her life in a horrific car accident. Details are a bit sketchy right now, but the accident is still under investigation. It has hit everybody in my family hard. My parents and I will be flying out later tonight to attend the wake and funeral.
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That's such sad news, I hope everyone is doing the best they can under the circumstances. I know how difficult it is - I've been there. You're so fortunate to have a spouse who cares about you and is there for you like KW.
On a happier note, glad you got to give your dad the ultimate Yankees fan present. When's Patti Smith? I've seen her, she's dynamic to say the least.
And as always thanks for the written word. You are so very good with words.
On a happier note, glad you got to give your dad the ultimate Yankees fan present. When's Patti Smith? I've seen her, she's dynamic to say the least.
And as always thanks for the written word. You are so very good with words.
I listened to Just Kids on audiobook. I listen to audiobooks while I exercise so I normally listen to geeky, scientific things and save the other books for when I can sit down and actually read them, but it was read by Patti herself and I couldn't resist. After managing to look past her gross mispronunciation of anything French I quite enjoyed it.
For Christy
My eyes filled up with tears as I heard the news
It never occurred to me, how much I could lose
I find myself wishing that it wasn't real
Every time I think about it, pain is all I can feel
Tears fall from my eyes, I can barely see
But my heart tells me that she'll always be with me
Im glad...
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My eyes filled up with tears as I heard the news
It never occurred to me, how much I could lose
I find myself wishing that it wasn't real
Every time I think about it, pain is all I can feel
Tears fall from my eyes, I can barely see
But my heart tells me that she'll always be with me
Im glad...
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I don't know what happened, but I am sorry for your loss. That was a beautiful eulogy.
Sorry for your loss! That was a beautiful tribute to her!
Home, just in time to get ready for work tomorrow. We had an excellent weekend. KW and I spent the weekend at our cabin in the Adirondacks. Actually, it's my parents cabin, they just let us use it. We do have some new neighbors. They bought the cabin nearest to us. There is a safe distance between cabins, so it's cool. They are an older...
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Patti Smith and Neil Young & Crazy Horse?! That's a dream concert for me!
I hate to agree with Bill O'Reilly, but zombies kinda are pinheads
I hate to agree with Bill O'Reilly, but zombies kinda are pinheads

Ummm, just a bit disturbing... And I actually really enjoyed it!
Oh - and magnificent boobs, too!

Oh - and magnificent boobs, too!

I do apologize for being absent most of the past year and a half. As I said earlier, it has been a very hectic time in my life - a good hectic though. It's kind of hard getting back into the swing of things online, but I am trying. So let me give you a brief summary of whats been going on.
Kelli and I...
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Kelli and I...
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You ladies look beautiful !! Congrats on the house and marriage. This was a wonderful blog to read !!
Congrats you two! Glad to see you're back 

K, yeah I'm back. I will be posting new blogs and stuff in the near future. I hope everyone is doing great. I had a lot going on in my life the past year so I kinda let things slip. Sorry.
Keeping this one short though, bandwidth isn't too great where we are vacationing at this weekend. That's what I get for going to the...
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Keeping this one short though, bandwidth isn't too great where we are vacationing at this weekend. That's what I get for going to the...
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Welcome back!
Hey everyone,
I am here to post another of my not so weekly blogs. I do apologize for being so erratic with my postings. My life has been one drama after another lately. So, let me fill you in on some of the more dramatic things going on with me.
It started about a month ago. Kelli and I were watching TV, well more like...
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I am here to post another of my not so weekly blogs. I do apologize for being so erratic with my postings. My life has been one drama after another lately. So, let me fill you in on some of the more dramatic things going on with me.
It started about a month ago. Kelli and I were watching TV, well more like...
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I love your writing... You don't have to show naked pictures to get me to read it, but it sure doesn't hurt. You are really lovely.
How are you? Haven't heard from you in awhile. Just wondering what life is bringing you?
Hope it is all so grand you cannot spare the time to share. but would love to hear what is up.

Hope it is all so grand you cannot spare the time to share. but would love to hear what is up.

Silent Affirmation
I can feel you searching my eyes
Right through to the soul
For some mark of recognition:
Perhaps a twinkle?
Or were you expecting more?
Rainbows and unicorns and
Some sort of jewelry to show to whom I belong
Or on which side I stand
Or how many
Thats not my style.
But standing over the sparkling dishes
Of chocolate-covered ginger
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I can feel you searching my eyes
Right through to the soul
For some mark of recognition:
Perhaps a twinkle?
Or were you expecting more?
Rainbows and unicorns and
Some sort of jewelry to show to whom I belong
Or on which side I stand
Or how many
Thats not my style.
But standing over the sparkling dishes
Of chocolate-covered ginger
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you are great