Right now my life epitomizes that of a mad-hatting C19th Miliner. Everything is a mad-rush and I hate it. What else to report ... other than feeling like my emotions are in a washer-dryer. not much. I just feel like I am at a point where i need to break out of my cell and do something totally new and different. I need to get...
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So ... Here I am again!

Where have I been ... good question ... no where really ... just snowed under ... and feeling like I reached HELL already! Take my word for it, pimping santa is a stressful business! Enough said!

Last weekend I was in LA seeing my sister ... that was stressful too! Imagine I missed my flight twice, in 2 days...
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Oh boo you are not going to make it there! grrr well hope you are doing alright
For sure they are... Left cheek for me, right cheek for her.
Today I heard that yet another person is dead! That's 6 people in 1 week a a half that I know directly or indirectly that have passed over! It kind of sucks ot be honest, ... what's wrong!!! I know people die, but 6 people in 1.5 weeks? I rarely ever hear such bad news!

oh well, its thundering and raining outside ... myst is...
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I'm sorry to hear that man. That sux.

Thanks for the name suggestions, But I think I've figured out what I'm gonna change it to
wha? who's dying? now i know why the weather has been so gloomy.... frown

i don't need to see that movie now...a guy i work with on the weekends had seen it and i think he told me about THE WHOLE THING. i felt like one of those bobble-heads, nodding while he went on and on and would remember some other detail of the movie and go on and on some more... whatever

how was your weekend?
So ... Today we have the first snow of winter! They say that non-Colorado natives have to wear shorts at first snow! ... but someone is pulling my leg, me thinks! I played enough rugby in snow and rain to put up with a bit of cold anyhow! So they say it is character building and puts hair on your chest ... that's supposedly a...
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the movie sounds mind-bending. i'll definitely check it out, as soon as my exams are over and i don't have to worry about them anymore.

they are flip-flops! (noisy ones, at that!) how'd you guess? my usual ones have a weird smell... surreal so i was stuck in crocs for a few days and those are sort of obnxious looking...so you can see my dillemma! wink
hmm...well if the movie was good enough that you want to see it again...it's going to the top of the "movies to see" list!

with the flip-flops taken care of, i think i need new pumas. smile

The weekend is upon us ... not much happening around here ... for better or for worse ... just trying to get into the groove and see if I can catch up on some work ... otherwise planning my various escapes ...

the stupid people are no longer amusing. they're just plain irritating. unfortunately they far outnumber the rest, in that area anyways!

hope your getting settled in! have you ever played disc golf? i need someone to play disc golf with me and put up with the fact that i am HORRIBLE at it! biggrin
Hrmmmmm.... I don't think they remind me of FATA at all. And I LURRRRRRRRRRVE FATA! love love
Maybe I would have to listen to some Used and FATA right after each other
Finally I am in CO, after the last week in IL. I've been pretty lazy not updating things, but at least I can try and do something more often now with the journal.

Just got a new order of CD's in, so hopefully I will be rocking out on those pretty soon, once I get my headphones set up and plugged in smile

The Shins -...
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wilco ARE coming actually. to the fillmore. i'll look for the exact date. there's something about it on the sg colorado board. if you haven't joined sgco yet, you should!

the new rilo kiley is good, but i like "execution of all things" a little bit better! biggrin

i've heard a little bit of the decemberists. definitely worth checking out!
wilco is november 6!
finally .. I am back in the USA, for better or worse ... better because it will help me reorganise my time and my brain ... worse ... for no reason that I can think of right now!

my travel is certainly going to keep me busy and will hopefully bring me to new places and meet new and interesting people. the flight was not...
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i suppose that's all you really can do. just make sure they know they have a person they can turn to who really cares about them.

as for shows, let me know who else you want to see...i'm usually up for anything!
I dunno... she'd pbly pull some Ninja skils on me or something to that effect!
So what did you think of the Used's single?
the world according to geeksuicide is so ...

i finally passed my driving test! yippeeee that means that i can now legally cause mayhem on the roads! oh ... and that i managed to drive safely for 45 minutes in front of the examiner, reverse around a corner and bay park!

i feel better, although the nerves didn't do total wonders for my stomach in...
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you are now a licensed driver. SWEET. biggrin

enjoy your brief stint in chi-town! it's on my list of places to visit.

yes...that is exactly what a turbo-oven does. frankly, i am terrified. it will probably slow down the line as well. i must get out....

Why do you have to reverse around a corner? That seems strange.

Man, I would DIE if I did a set with Ovida... but I'd be too nervouse to ask her blush
Another weekend gone & another Monday also! I went for an interview @ a startup company yesterday and it seems like they are interested in having me on board, which is good news, although it also spells a lot of hard graft for the coming months. It involves more areas of interest for me (web and film) than does anything I am working on right...
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i hope you feel better soon! and thanks it was worth the pain!
new job? sounds great! can't wait until i get out of school and get to jump out into the real world and get a "career"...

maybe you need a nice, long night of sleep? it's my cure-all!

tongue trying to steal the organizing records gig......
It's 7pm Sunday here and the weekend is almost gone. Not sure I could call it totally productive in trying to catch up on lost time last week, but then is it ever possible to catch up on work? It's like chasing an ever moving target or throwing knives @ a spinning circus babe-aliciousness, maybe even mildly less promising than chasing skirts!

I've been enjoying...
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from autumn to ashes?! i saw them once...they're so lame, that they're great! too bad you're beautiful is a masterpiece....

listening to music all day sounds ideal. i don't imagine labor day is celebrated in london...have a good one anyways! smile
very uplifting weekend indeed! but i can't imagine getting married at my age....actually the bride is younger than me! when friends i've known forever get married, it's sort of shocking.

well...i hope your work goes well in your last london week!