Reliever... of life!! Muahauahaa!!1~
Today was a long day. I've just started this medication that is supposed to make me drowsy at night and help me sleep. So of course some how it had the opposite effect and kept me awake. So then, today, sooooo sleepy. And my geeking skills were required late at work. Sigh. Anyway.
Erm... that's kinda boring, but that's all I got.
Oh! No it's not. My gf bought me a dvd on submarines a couple of days ago. Yeh, I probably just lost about eleventy hundred cool points by admitting that. But there's something about submarines that fascinates/scares the crap out of me. I don't know what it is. I've had nightmares of swimming at a beach or something and a submarine surfacing right next to me. I can kinda make the shape out in the water, but it's too big to get away from. And like, submarine movies where the camera is underwater, it's all murky and dark, and then out of nowhere this hulking mass of metal heaves into view and glides past the camera *shivers*. Yaa, anyway. I don't know. Maybe 'cause I'm scared of boats (although that's really just 'cause I afraid of getting seasick), maybe 'cause dying in a submarine would be a pretty sucky way to go. It's weird.
Anyway, time for a nice cup of tea.
Umm re submarine..yes..welinteresting explanation..ok ok I *did* know all about your fascination (I am psychic)
Your cool points are still there as far as I am concerned
you can always go to random pages and say fuck ..gprob a ood way to get yourself barred though
cheese about to be eated