website is down hosting company had to change IP addresses... bummer! 
Tomorrow is the big St paddys celebration on the southside of Chicago (Is the baddest part of town. And if you go down there. You better just beware. Of a man named Leroy Brown... sorry the song got caught in my head while I was typing). Anyway it should be full of debauchery and drunken shenanigans. I will bring my camera to document the shit show and post any "interesting" pictures. Hope everyone is having a great weekend and to all of my Irish brethren happy "excuse to get drunk till we throw up and pass out" day!

Tomorrow is the big St paddys celebration on the southside of Chicago (Is the baddest part of town. And if you go down there. You better just beware. Of a man named Leroy Brown... sorry the song got caught in my head while I was typing). Anyway it should be full of debauchery and drunken shenanigans. I will bring my camera to document the shit show and post any "interesting" pictures. Hope everyone is having a great weekend and to all of my Irish brethren happy "excuse to get drunk till we throw up and pass out" day!