another birthday another kick in the dick. 

can anybody tell me why I stayed up late to watching rocky V? I guess the worst Rocky movie is still better than most other movies. Dam you Tommy Gunn! 

That was the first drag show I've ever been to and I had a blast! It helped that my cousin was one of the performers.
Gota get back to posting updates on the website. Especially the zombie girl updates. Anyone have any hot undead pics they want featured on the site?
Once I get up to like $500 in ad rev I'm thinking about making up some tshirts and giving them away. Either that or throwing a party at some Chicago dive where I can get shit tons of cheap...
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Once I get up to like $500 in ad rev I'm thinking about making up some tshirts and giving them away. Either that or throwing a party at some Chicago dive where I can get shit tons of cheap...
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Oh wow, that table looks amazing! Shirts sound like a great idea. Too bad I have no hot undead pics, I'd donate.
hawks lose
but bulls win

but bulls win

if you are bald and white is it required that you have a stone cold Steve Austin goatee?
Hope the DVR recorded the new episode of Doctor Who from Saturday.

Hope the DVR recorded the new episode of Doctor Who from Saturday.

Yes it is required. If you want to be clean shaven the loophole is that you need to perfect a really good Elmer Fudd impression.
Note* DVR Did not record Dr. Who Epi 1 Series 6 

8 hours of driving and all i got was this crappy Indiana pacers towel. Seems to me that the refs stole that game from the bulls. Think David stern wants this series to go to at least 5

who wants a mustache ride?
You ever have random shit pop into your head? Well thats pretty much how my brain works non stop. Thanks god for youtube!
You ever have random shit pop into your head? Well thats pretty much how my brain works non stop. Thanks god for youtube!

232.57GB used... Meep.
Bulls win Sox win Hawks looking good. Going down to Indy for game 4 on Saturday. Its good to be a Chicago sports fan, but like the weather that could change by tomorrow.
NBA Playoffs! Go Bulls! 

Ahahahaa, 'The English are coming, the English are coming... The English came.'
sweat + humidity + working on the bathroom all day = sweet white man fro
how are you my new friend? Apart from sweaty that is haha

I'm doing great. Life is busy but thats a good thing. How are you?
Decrepit is one of my favorite words. I use it often to describe my moans of pain when kneeling.
Yes, you will have to fight the babes off with those 'sexy bitches'.