I HATE CNN! I talked with Chris Morris, a CNN/Money Staff Writer for their website, back in April about some confidential information I had gotten about upcoming game consoles from Microsoft, Sony, and Nintendo.
He broke the story on the CNN website, but didn't give me or my website credit.
I am so fucking pissed right now.
I emailed copyrightagent@turner.com letting them know that I was displeased with this and that they should delete the story, or update it to give credit where credit is due, otherwise I'm going to forward it to my lawyers. We'll see what happens with that. =)
Nadine is still HOT! and JustAGhost is the HOTTEST non-SG. =)
He broke the story on the CNN website, but didn't give me or my website credit.
I am so fucking pissed right now.
I emailed copyrightagent@turner.com letting them know that I was displeased with this and that they should delete the story, or update it to give credit where credit is due, otherwise I'm going to forward it to my lawyers. We'll see what happens with that. =)
Nadine is still HOT! and JustAGhost is the HOTTEST non-SG. =)
good luck!!

those fuckers!!!