mind was blown away. Im sure not everyone will agree with me, but this has been one of my favorite seasons so far and the season finale was the best yet! Although i was sad that charlie and hiro couldnt be together atleast she had a happy... Read More
You are totally cool . I know that I speak for anyone who has seen your video . .You need to make one with the sound working . Look for # 2.. Thanks wooly...
So Mr_Geek and i have officially been married for a year today. Hooray! The only sad part is that we only got to be together for like 2 months out of this year. Hopefully we get to be together more in the future! Love you baby!
I was always the guy that wore his heart on his sleeve. That is why I have so many girl friends and guy friends alike. I care for them no matter and if you gain my trust I would do anything for you. Thanks for your input GG and congrats on your anniversary.