We got here to savilla, but unfortunately the "arrangements" my aunt took care of is less than satisfactory. We are all wet and our clothes in all our bags are damn. We are stranded on a farm in the middle of no where. Its not baby proof at all and there is not much to cook with or eat. Thankfully my hermano found us a hostal to stay in for the rmaining time here. We will be spending more money but that's better than just coming home. I'm excited to get into the main part of savilla to see the sights. The on to toledo, gilbraltar annd back to madrid. We will be heading back to the states on the 18th. Much love.
Didn't make it to Gibralter but Tarifa and Grazalema were awesome. Algecieras is a shithole.
Oh no!
It'll get better I bet. And I'm sure it's way more interesting than being stuck on a farm in the middle of nowhere in the middle of the US. It makes for a more interesting story, certainly.