Hey guys,
Sorry its been so f'ing long since i updated. I really don't have a good excuse, just havent felt very motivated lately. As a few of you know im on a diet right now and doing pretty good. Its been about 3 and a half weeks and i have lost 18lbs. Not bad

i dont see a HUGE difference just little things like fitting into pants i havent been able to wear and shirts being loose. Its a nice feeling and im glad that im finally start to shed this weight.
Life is doing alright. Leaving for the family reunion in march. Going to spain!!!! woohoo. Very excited about that. Im going to meet tons of family that are flying in from argentina. I might not be able to speak much spanish, but i know i will have a blast. Plus its Tristan's first plane ride. Should be interesting...12 hours in a plane
Then, after i get back from spain, im heading to S. Korea to see hubby for a few days by myself. It will be the first time away from my son, but it will be good for hub and i to spend some alone time. Since we spent our anniversary apart im sure we will be busy making up for it.
Ok now im going to blab about shows and stuff im into right now. There are now more life updates so dont read further unless your bored and have nothing better to do lmao!
SPOILERS! (Click to view)
Ok, soooo im sooo fucking stoked that Burn Notice is finally back on. Im completely in love with fi (Not just because we share the same name) Also, hooray for Fringe, its such a killer show and i love watching kick ass women. On a sad note, im very dissapointed that Dollhouse was cancelled

i love love love that show. I find that lately anything i really life is being cancelled. Thankfully Chuck came back, it was a close call and had a budget cut, but im just glad i get to watch chuck try to take over the world lmao! (if i was a guy, i would be chuck...well of course without an intersect in my head) I have to admit, i have been trying to open my horizons with new shows and a few i found lately that have really caught my attention might seem stupid to some of you, but im really digging them. Glee, seems stupid when you read about it, but the story line and plot are really really good. Vampire diaries, this is something most people might not like because its another vamp love story set in highschool, but i cant help myself. call me immature i dont care. vamp get me hot...

Have you guys checked out supernatural? if you havent..you shouldnt this is one of my fav shows. Each season keeps getting better and better. Watched the new season of kitchen nightmares last night, not bad. Kind of the same, but still good. Yes, yes ill admit it...i watch american idol. i know its stupid, BUT i still like it. Something about people dreams being crushed by simon...i mean ppls dreams coming TRUE! lol Im one of the few still watching Heroes and digging it. Im love the new plot twist of claire being gay. NCIS LA is always good choice. its not high on my list but i still enjoy it. I also watched the new pilot Caprica the other day. Interesting. its too soon to tell whether it will be good or not, but i will def continue to check it out.
Ok well thats all for now.
Much Love,