Sooo I'm super stoked and crazy sad all at once right now. It was my son's first birthday today and im having his party tomorrow. Which is cool cause he is getting so big, but thats also why im so sad. My baby is growing up soo fast. Luckily Mr_Geek (my hubby) let me spends lots of money for the party and on gifts so its makes me feel a little better. Not much, but a little
Nothing like spending money to cheer a gal up right? Its VERY hard for me to leave toys r us without getting him something. So much fun stuff to get for him...
Anyway, I got lots of goodies for him and tons of decorations for the party. I'll put pics up after the party.
Hope everyone had a great week.

Anyway, I got lots of goodies for him and tons of decorations for the party. I'll put pics up after the party.
Hope everyone had a great week.

gimme your paypal and i'll send some money to buy him a Ben 10 alien or two