So i think i am going to be able to go see my husband at the end of this month. I miss him soo much. I'm keeping my eye out for good package deals. I hate being seperated from him. Its rough on me and he is missing sooo much of tristan's first year. He is growing so fast. But i am thankful for the sacrifice he is making to ensure Tristan and I are provided for. I just cant wait untill i graduate so we can go live with him.
New Pictures of my sexy beast.

New Pictures of my handsom little boy.

Here is one of me from a couple days ago. I'm discovering that red does not stay very long in my hair. It already has a pinkish tint to it.

New Pictures of my sexy beast.

New Pictures of my handsom little boy.

Here is one of me from a couple days ago. I'm discovering that red does not stay very long in my hair. It already has a pinkish tint to it.

a, he's more grumpy than ever at the moment. he's looking very emo lol
aw thank you