Ah, my world is better today!
Just returned from a rock'n mt bike ride. My friend is just learning to mt bike (on a non-suspension bike - it's pretty funny). We decided to go on what is an easy trail in the summer. It still would be an easy trail if a river hadn't decided to make the trail it's home - very fast, very muddy, very cool.
Now I'm home and facing hoards of papers to mark. ICK! Sorry to the students out there but marking bites. Since there is so much interest in what I teach ... I teach tech. I'm the only girl in my dept. Hence, geek girl.
And in true geek fashion, here is my BAD news, my PB G4 is in need of the shop - the monitor is gone (it's previous owner apparently thought it could be dropped on the floor, multiple times).
The good news is that the boyz have another PB for me to use until this one comes back, I'm just worried this one won't come back (and it's stoked with extra memory from it's previous abusive owner who also did website design so needed lots of memory).
Marking to do ...

Just returned from a rock'n mt bike ride. My friend is just learning to mt bike (on a non-suspension bike - it's pretty funny). We decided to go on what is an easy trail in the summer. It still would be an easy trail if a river hadn't decided to make the trail it's home - very fast, very muddy, very cool.

Now I'm home and facing hoards of papers to mark. ICK! Sorry to the students out there but marking bites. Since there is so much interest in what I teach ... I teach tech. I'm the only girl in my dept. Hence, geek girl.
And in true geek fashion, here is my BAD news, my PB G4 is in need of the shop - the monitor is gone (it's previous owner apparently thought it could be dropped on the floor, multiple times).

Marking to do ...

Not that any woman should make choices for any guy, we'd only resent each other later... but I must say - there is absolutely nothing cooler than meeting amazing women (or guys) that are pushing it in conditions like we have on the shore... awesome! 'gain it could be the guiness speaking