the obligatory we've-had-lots-of-snow-in-portland post. i'm happy its thawing now but it was pretty cool. i don't think i've ever had a white christmas before. well, except when i would go to my parents house in MN but that doesn't count since they have a white thanksgiving and a white halloween (insert your own jokes about the lack of racial diversity in minnesota).
my old pups in the snow. finbar tolerates it. gecko hates it. i think they both prefer snow to rain, however.

mr. fin looking handsome

my old pups in the snow. finbar tolerates it. gecko hates it. i think they both prefer snow to rain, however.

mr. fin looking handsome

Two years ago it snowed pretty good for a day and my girl was stuck with only tennis shoes to wear when we had to hike to the bus so she could go to work. I made her invest in some boots. She got UGG's and is super happy with them in terms of looks and comfort and they served her extremely well through all this snow. No socks needed and she never got cold or wet. And she is always cold!!