I sat down and finally played it through tonight...it was more amazing then i thought it would be...on a sad note though...

I miss my Weighted Companion Cube...

I mourn you Weighted Companion Cube I mourn you...
I finally have my own place again, but it merely furthers my situation as a wage slave.

I am working most of the time, slowly paying off my school loans, so i can at least consider going back this summer, or fall if i can. I have the internet again, otherwise would not be here...lol. I am reading and doing some research again which is...
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I miss dancing...and shows
Having fun in general, i feel way to serious all the time, well for me.

I remember when shows, dancing like you had nothing you wnated to do more in the world, and meeting interesting peoplez. Seems like it has been forever since that has happened..sigh.

Well Halloween is coming up maybe I can find something to do, I asked off...
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Up late again, angst keeping the stupefying calm of sleep out of reach. I feel like I am in middle school again for the amount of a social life I have any more. I need for the picture to be compete is for me to not have any facial hair while I sit and read 1-2 full novels a night never leaving my room. Well...
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So sick.... frown

Nothing like wasting a beautiful day off feeling sick

I was hoping to bike up to riverwest to hang out with my brother, kris/kim, and maybe even see my niece...now that doesn't seem very likely. I was thinking of going to see bad religion at the rave tonight, dispite hating that place, but not getting my hopes up on that either at this...
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I am a rock
steady in the stream
everything changes except for me
I yearn for the day I am less then I am
a pebble swirling with the stream
a mote of dust until
the stream and I are one...

I miss node, and having any thing to do in the middle of the night except sit on my computer...

I do not have...
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Ty for the welcome!! ^-^v
Thank you so much for the Happy Birthday you sent me smile

I had a wonderful day.
As I biked home in the torrenting rain, I was at peace. After being on my feet working for 10 hours, being not myself, but rather just a reflection of me that makes coffee, polishes silverware, and brings room service. The water pours down my face like the tears I felt inside all day for selling myself for money rather then what makes me happy....
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Thank you!
oooh! thanks for the recipe smile from a real live lebanese restaurant? how exciting.
This post is a bit long, but have not updated in a bit, and have a good amount of things to say.

So in case you did not know I am working at the Envoy in the Ambassador hotel on Wisconsin ave. I am was hired to move in to start manager training if I can prove my worth there in my first month. I...
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