Feeling better from the other day, got my computer working again and my son back at home so I am pleasently distracted at least if nothing else.
Playing a bit of Diablo 3, Poxnora, and felt inspired to get batman Arkam city after watching Batman this last weekend. So I will have things to keep me busy in addition to my current projects. Maybe I will get lucky and meet someone neat volunteering as i know I will not have time once school starts again to meet anyone to go on dates with.
Hope everyone else's summer is going well! Full of adventures rather then drama.
Playing a bit of Diablo 3, Poxnora, and felt inspired to get batman Arkam city after watching Batman this last weekend. So I will have things to keep me busy in addition to my current projects. Maybe I will get lucky and meet someone neat volunteering as i know I will not have time once school starts again to meet anyone to go on dates with.
Hope everyone else's summer is going well! Full of adventures rather then drama.
Tons of riddles/side quests/eye candy, I am very happy i finally got around to buying it