Have been spending most of my time on distractions recently. Trying to keep my mind off what is soon to be a peneicle of the stress of the last year. Any time now Rachel is going to have her son, and I may or may not be a father. I was at Steven Cohens birthday party tonight. The father of my long term friend Jake, and a local blues mainstay was a good time. lots of music, and hanging out to be had. Saw a a lot of people I have not seen i a while. Reminded me of when i was more pro-actively social. I cannot get into school this fall, which may just as well be fore best as my mind is not on it entirely at the moment any way. I have to deal with a bunch of bureaucracy to get back in at this point. I am still determined to go back this spring though any way. I guess I would like to know what is happening before i commit though. I am looking forward to pinkies show tomorrow at stonefly, then after this week end the reality will settle in again. For now though I am not as uptight for once and it is good let down my hair for a min.
I am very much looking forward to playing the beta. I transferred over my lvl 70 rogue but I will be making a death knight the first thing.
i like them enought o post them raw too, but as it's supposed to be "fashion" (with breast ahah) the final version might look more... professional. but i'm glad you liked them !!