Tired and restless
Am on the verge of quiting my job, the work is the same if slow, but the management is being ridiculous. After I hurt my shoulder last Sunday i had to call in on Monday, because it hurt to much to move, let alone work I got in "trouble"for not talking to a manager before my shift, i did my best to reach calling 2 times. Now they have me off the schedule, i am thinking of putting in my two weeks when i go in tomorrow to work my shift i am no longer scheduled for. Only reason i did not quit on the spot today was to not fuck over my co-workers. So will talk to the general manager tomorrow and if they give me any hassle will just tell them i am quiting. Was just gliding by part time while I waited to see what happens with Rachel's son, and specifically if it is also my son..i do not like the idea of being between jobs and having a kid, but fuck it i have money saved, i can get another one fast. I need to focus on school any way and not wasting my time in a restaurant. I feel like my whole life is paused waiting...
I want the best for Rachel one way of the other but not knowing, and her very lack luster approach towards involving me leaves me unhappy. Less then a month, perhaps even this week depending on how the pattern weave things will come to a head. I can only assume she talks more definably to Chris, but maybe not know Rachel... Soon at least i can know what my future holds.
I have been making active attempts to be more social as of late, or at least walk at night, instead of lucking alone in my apartment. Mostly has been reading alone at coffee shops but have had a few interesting run ins. Tonight on my walk ran into Liam, a kid i am vaguely working on some street theater with. We talked for a while, then ran into Kristi with a few two other people walking to the pub, by my house. Was good to see her, we talked for a while, she yelled at me for the whole rachel situation again
Then went to foundation with every one to talk some more. Liam offered her a ride home, so we stopped by my house with kristi, liam, and cassy to see me neo cat, then drove kristi home. Was nice to see her for once, and gave me a chance to show her my neo house. Reminds me if i feel inclined to be social i still know many people... and despite feeling all alone i have people i know out there if i reached out for them.
meh maybe i will just go train hoping this weekend with liam and come back in a week of two in time to face up towards responsibly I am so sick of waiting and pausing me life, and having no control over it
Am on the verge of quiting my job, the work is the same if slow, but the management is being ridiculous. After I hurt my shoulder last Sunday i had to call in on Monday, because it hurt to much to move, let alone work I got in "trouble"for not talking to a manager before my shift, i did my best to reach calling 2 times. Now they have me off the schedule, i am thinking of putting in my two weeks when i go in tomorrow to work my shift i am no longer scheduled for. Only reason i did not quit on the spot today was to not fuck over my co-workers. So will talk to the general manager tomorrow and if they give me any hassle will just tell them i am quiting. Was just gliding by part time while I waited to see what happens with Rachel's son, and specifically if it is also my son..i do not like the idea of being between jobs and having a kid, but fuck it i have money saved, i can get another one fast. I need to focus on school any way and not wasting my time in a restaurant. I feel like my whole life is paused waiting...
I want the best for Rachel one way of the other but not knowing, and her very lack luster approach towards involving me leaves me unhappy. Less then a month, perhaps even this week depending on how the pattern weave things will come to a head. I can only assume she talks more definably to Chris, but maybe not know Rachel... Soon at least i can know what my future holds.
I have been making active attempts to be more social as of late, or at least walk at night, instead of lucking alone in my apartment. Mostly has been reading alone at coffee shops but have had a few interesting run ins. Tonight on my walk ran into Liam, a kid i am vaguely working on some street theater with. We talked for a while, then ran into Kristi with a few two other people walking to the pub, by my house. Was good to see her, we talked for a while, she yelled at me for the whole rachel situation again

meh maybe i will just go train hoping this weekend with liam and come back in a week of two in time to face up towards responsibly I am so sick of waiting and pausing me life, and having no control over it