Stupid shoulder
I was out in west bend yesterday helping my Jerry and my brother jamie clean out my moms garage of ten years of junk. Jamie and I started to help rather quickly after getting out of the car ride up there. I was feeling a bi stiff from the ride and sleeping on my should a bit weird, but thought nothing of it. Like 5 mins into the heavy lifting I was putting a couch out and a odd angle to hoist it into the dumpster Jerry had rented. When I pulled a large piece of my muscles in my left shoulder. It felt like someone had stabbed me in the back. I tried to keep moving some of the bigger items any way because I am foolish, take only made it worse. I was going to stay out there for the night to hang out with my younger sibling that I do not see much any more, but I keep feeling progressively worse. I took some pain killers, and hung out for dinner, but then had to have Jamie drive me home. I sleep for like 10 hours, and it sorta feels better now..but I cannot lift my arm over my shoulder, or even turn my neck to the left at all.
I guess i am going to have to call into work and home that it is better by tomorrow, sigh. This is what I get fro not stretching and being to self assured of my out vitality. Now i endure another lesson in humility and my own limitations.
Any way typing with one hand is taking long, so I am going to get something to eat, and hopefully find a book or something that I can do while I lay down
Hopefully it will pass soon and I will be capable of well doing anything with out stabbing pain again soon.

I was out in west bend yesterday helping my Jerry and my brother jamie clean out my moms garage of ten years of junk. Jamie and I started to help rather quickly after getting out of the car ride up there. I was feeling a bi stiff from the ride and sleeping on my should a bit weird, but thought nothing of it. Like 5 mins into the heavy lifting I was putting a couch out and a odd angle to hoist it into the dumpster Jerry had rented. When I pulled a large piece of my muscles in my left shoulder. It felt like someone had stabbed me in the back. I tried to keep moving some of the bigger items any way because I am foolish, take only made it worse. I was going to stay out there for the night to hang out with my younger sibling that I do not see much any more, but I keep feeling progressively worse. I took some pain killers, and hung out for dinner, but then had to have Jamie drive me home. I sleep for like 10 hours, and it sorta feels better now..but I cannot lift my arm over my shoulder, or even turn my neck to the left at all.
I guess i am going to have to call into work and home that it is better by tomorrow, sigh. This is what I get fro not stretching and being to self assured of my out vitality. Now i endure another lesson in humility and my own limitations.
Any way typing with one hand is taking long, so I am going to get something to eat, and hopefully find a book or something that I can do while I lay down

Hopefully it will pass soon and I will be capable of well doing anything with out stabbing pain again soon.